Show KEEPING TRACK OF ALL BREEDING EWES practice of utmost importance in handling purebred stock painting Is favo favored red by W C COFFEY illinois experiment station replying to a southern correspondent the only dependable way to determine when a ewe Is in heat Is to turn the ram with the flock in handling a purebred flock it Is not necessary to keep an exact record of the dates of breeding in fact many lambs are registered as being born in the spring of a certain year sometimes the month Is stated but comparatively ively few breeders bleeders bre eders go to the trouble of giving the exact date for rea reasons ons aside from the requirements for registering in the various flock associations it Is well for the owner to have a memorandum of about the time the ewes tire are due to lamb such ucal a memorandum Is a groat great help to the shepherd in saving the lamb iamb rop crop it can be obtained by smearing paint between the fore legs of the ram every jay day through the breeding season seabon this paint should be of a kind not injurious to the wool ewes come in heat about every 10 16 days during the first 16 days the ram may be painted close to the right foreleg fore leg ewes served nerved during this period will be marked on the right side of the rump for the next 18 16 days tho the paint may be placed near the left foreleg fore leg and if the breeding season Is prolonged the mark may be placed midway between the fore legs another scheme la is to change the color of paint every 16 days if the flock number of each ewe Is branded on her sides in large figures it Is comparatively easy to book the freshly marked ewes from day to day and thus keep a fairly accurate record of the date of breeding |