Show P mr lr W vae do you know hats good coil for rali mu will miss bot blot why polton poison of course courm mr ir wort no dt it would mau kill them ch ic W you know good for a cough broat and lung troubles that will hay Ilay inflammation and insure a good ight s sleep with tree free and easy expect oration in the morning the answer eways keays the same year after year is bosch ees as german syrup healing he sling to bronchial bronch aall nd throat irritation irritate on and ilges zes all druggists and dealers everywhere your grandfather used it 51 rears ars ago tryst try it yourself and see how it stops a hacking cough like magic wyatts matvs 2nd and annual sale saie OF le bereford reford cattle i 1 AT AUCTION denver union stock yards wed jan 24 1917 visit denver stock show flame week and select some choice breeding stock 50 b head p aa herding and range li buuri ulla 50 cows wi with th calves at foot and reared to good bulls all a carrying the beut best tin blood lines known to the breed d many more at t ale le CATALOGUE ON AP application PLaCATION ETHE HE WYATT LIVE STOCK CO 6 exchange DENVER FOR OLD AND YOUNG utts tt liver pill act as i kindly on the child it delicate 11 cate female or old age ze a unon pon j V orous ms U pi I 1 18 stone a and st nath to the weak mk stomach ds lid kidneys bud 14 bla bladder P P IT alk p E R S TRY or op DENVER FRIEND with your year next of p write valto today for our lat batet latet e s t palco list for tags tag and trapper i s G guadet chas friend co inc too 1119 old reli reliable alle r raw w fur bouse bonso 9 17 we W e SL apt aaen VER COLO A BOOK OF FREE Soot alna history of territory recently dinv inv m ded viah near duo don cabezas a and d in lc K anity of fort bowie alloun Ar Ari loun it ine 1 udes wry tory of a crep copper mine in llo 1110 king and av the in COPPER lucert a the U S vii will aasc atto oter WO OW i during 1916 ted write tor for f akef goolt of f op PY unit US 0 S CO 71 troad nw x ht tark ork 6 at k la Is warrant araD ted ea to ha be to lornso tats r gallon baloo 10 and remove prevent carbon h a 11 leb to tio be his ruile leBB so to lo all metals inet abl A motor fun fuel i a v es repairs ral and ado irias speed and pow an ia 20 I 1 of ant prepaid to any ant lilic lil rc jl 1 B STONES A VOID AVOID alano wjk I 1 i op E rone qa sr k bia B ia kivo P f aal autv oil oi no more mora gall 13 tobb stone alaio ut r in r i blet are stomach arnista arnis tb brict side bide or deris liver I 1 11 n lill sery dyspepsia collo cae gas ga piles a blurt app th alimo w 4 lor CAN I 1 iloine 2 tt ament book B kis on f T r f b 1 lull and FREE avrit lw bria ay C api IV wt 4 a DI at 81 cuc chiw N U salt laks lak s city no 3 1917 L aima a 1 V 4 adle many distressing ailments experienced by them are alleviated by lydia E bep vegetable retable Comp compound omd here is proof by women who know lowell masa ifor for the last three years I 1 have hava been troubled with tho the change of life and the bad feelings common at that time I 1 was in in a very nervous condition with headaches and pain a good deal of the time so I 1 was unfit to do my work A friend asked me to try lydia E Pin Pink khama hams vegetable compound which I 1 did and it has helped me in e vry every e w way a 1 I 1 am not nearly so nervous no headache a he or pa pain I 1 must say that lydia E Pink hams vegetable compound is the best remedy any sick woman can take Ms mrs QUEW rear lV worthen orthen st lowell mass she tells ner her friends to take lydia E Pinkham 3 north haven conn when I 1 was 43 45 1 I had the change of life which is a trouble all women have at first it bother me ma but after a while I 1 got gob bearing down pains I 1 called in doctors who told me to try different things but they did not cure my pains ono one day my husband came home and said why dont you try lydia dia E Pink hams vegetable compound and sanative wash well 44 got gofa them and took about 10 bottles of vegetable compound and could feel myself regaining my health I 1 also used lydia E Pinkham chams 3 sanative wash and it has done me a great deal of good any y one ona ca coming g to 0 my house olase who os suffers erg from rom female amae troubles r s or change ange of life e 1 I tell 11 them to take the pinkham remedies there are about 20 00 of us here who think the world of them Ms mrs FLORENCE ISELLA box north haven conn you are invited to write for free advice no other medicine has been so successful in relieving womanly woman li suffering buffering as has hag lydia E Pink liams hams vegetable compound women may receive freehand free and helpful ad vice hy writing the lydia lyd ia E pinkham med acine co lynn mass such letters letter sare are received and by women only and held in strict confidence important to mothers examine carefully every bottle ot of CASTORIA that famous old remedy tor for infants and children and see that it bears the yass signature of 0 7 in use for or over oger SO 30 years children cry for fletchers fletcherr Flet chers castoria only one BROMO QUININE to ret the lh call for or full nimo name DR tort BROMO kij look tor for sis of ia W UL LOvill luica cures L a cola la in one day bay iio LOSS OF POWER and vital force follow the mrk J he g new method emaciation loss of flesh these thesa or BY U L TV BOWER M D come from impoverished blood tr dr ba Bach acae of any kind is often caused pierces golben by kidney disorder which means that medical discore discovery 7 the kidneys are not working properly enriches the bic blood poisonous matter matter and uric acid accumulate stops the W waste aste ol 01 01 strength t r e th and nd tissue g within the body in great abundance ai e and n d hu builds allds up overworking over working the sick kidneys kidney s hence beal healthy th flesh tho the congestion of blood causes backache T thin hin palo pale puny in the same manner as a similar congestion and scrofulous in tho the head bead causes head headache acho children are made plump rosy and robust by the DIS discovery c overy 11 they like lika you become n nervous despondent sick it too feverish irritable have spots appearing in recovering from grip grippe s or in convalescence before the eyes bags under the lids and V vales ale cence scOnce from pneumonia cumon a fevers or lack ambition to do things other wasting diseases it speedily and surely invigorates and builds up trio tho the latest and most effective means whole system As an appetizing appet lins roof restorative of 0 overcoming tb clas is trouble Is to eat cat sparingly stora tive tonic it sets at work mork all tho of meat drink plenty water between processes of Al digestion and nutrition tween meals and take a single rouses every organ into natural action tablet before each meal tor for a while and brings dack back health and strength dr pierces pleasant Poll pellets etil cure simply ask your favorite druggist for constipation constipation Is the causa if you have lumbago rheumatism of many diseases curn urn tho the cause and gout dropsy bee begin in immediately at ay you cure the disease easy to tako 03 with this novel treatment candy t AND for the high flyers or the low flyers leader and repeater shells have the reach spread and penetration their great sale is due to these qualities which insure a full bag made in many gauges and loads BE BB SURF TO ASK FOR T W BRAND |