Show MAIL ORDERING TG OF FARM implements I 1 in n the uintah basin where we are tar far removed from th the e railroad many people have the idea that by ord ordering eTing farm implements clements ts from the mail order houses a in material saving can be made an inspection of the prices made by a large mail order cr house h ouse on farm implements in comparison with the quotations made by local dealers shows auitt contrary to the popular understanding we give below three exam examples ples taken dr promiscuously disc bously from the mail order house catalog the largest one we believe in this country and compared them with the lo 10 cal prices as follows first the mail order house lists a certain top buggy for we find a buggy slightly better than the mail order buggy per the specifications and compare we them as follows the 10 local cal implement dealers buggy weighed pounds retail time price cash the mail order buggy at at chicago must be increased with the following additions to mee meet L the local buggy add for black hickory shafts freight to price 2181 freight to R roosevelt cosevelt 0 os evelt total from the description of the buggy in the catalog and the measuring and inspection of the local vehicle we find that the prices are about the tha same laid down but slightly in in favor of the local dealer but very much in favor of the local buggy as to quality in buying the local buggy one has the privilege of inspecting it when buy ing and has the use of the buggy when the deal is made and further the great advantage of living the dealer at hand in case of complaints or troubles while with the mail order house the purchaser must deal by correspondence only the warran warranty ty made by the local dealer was practically the same as the mail order house and everything wab favorable to buying at home second we notice abay a hay rake 10 ft quoted at 2646 for a single tooth bastean type regular harrake rake to bring this up to the article we found in the local dealers shop we must add additional on wheels for guard teeth and to in make a 40 the teeth double coil instead of continued on page 8 |