Show it has been interesting tc it me to see how bow slight ac why school teaching amount of information concerning Is ignored by the men the obligations of 8 school teacher is possessed by dym M ADAIR rom rearm ind by those who have written their views of the statement boado anade at the recent meeting of the N E A that our educators are underpaid tho the idea seems to be that the hours school is in in session session constitute the teachers working day and that the school months are the teachers entire working year As a matter of fact in the schools of villages small towns and the country my knowledge does not extend to city schools school what with studying and outlining for the superintendents inspection the le lessons ans of each day with doing blackboard work preparing rc paring materials for foi seat work grading papers making reports studying lessons writing papers paper for teachers meetings giving outside help to pupils who are a little below grade and trying to keep informed upon current educational topics to say nay nothing of preparing for examinations which the average teacher must take with considerable frequency the teachers working day is seldom less than han nine hours and often more furthermore a teacher is e expected to dress reasonably well to go at least every three years to a term at summer normal at a cost of not less than to buy many and expensive books to subscribe for not less than two professional magazines to contribute liberally enough to show a real interest to all educational and some borne religious objects and in in a word to maintain the standing and keep up the standard of livid living of the professions while receiving less than the laboring mans pay these are some of the reasons why worthwhile worth while men are not entering the teaching profession to any great extent and when they do become teachers make that profession merely a steppingstone stepping stone to something that will pay better and women who have anyone besides themselves to support axe are forced to do the same game thing |