Show woodrin 41 PLIM e depa V MOULTON cowa 7 INCE the day that gave to the world the starched shirt and stiff collar it has generally been accepted that the man whose collar button in a spirit of contrariness tra leaps nimbly from his grasp and provokingly vo rolls under the bed or the dresser has a license to express his disgust la in more or less forcible language and usually he be does getting down on ones knees and groping about in the dark corners underneath the furniture tor for the refractory thing Is not the most pleasant job in the world even it if one has two perfectly good arms and hands with which to conduct the search imagine then the difficulties of the man who Is forced to make tuch such a search with no arms at all a or rather with two artificial limbs impossible you say not a bit of it there Is a living witness to the tact fact in a young new yorker T C gates by name who has not only accomplished complis hed this amazing feat eat but many other remarkable things with two artificial arms which tor for n P number ot of wears he has worn in place of those first given him by nature mr gates in fact goes through the paces of everyday life without the slightest fuss or effort and yet he has wood for or flesh steel for joints and rawhide cords tor for muscles in place of the real thing and mind you he has no fingers wrists or elbows even as you and 1 I though his two arms move as naturally as those of bone and sinew egnew three years ago young gates who Is an electrician came in contact with two live wires and 2400 volts more than Is used to kill a man la in the electric chair were discharged through him burning his hands so badly that a little later it was found necessary to amputate both his arms near the elbow like all people similarly afflicted he looked over the A SHOES iho r r y saya field of substitutes and finally purchased an artificial arm the invention ot of william T carnes ot of warren pa after wearing this tor for several m months he was able to use it with such success that he invested in another in the presence of the astonished surgeons at the international surgical congress in new york the tha other day the young man dressed himself first he buttoned his slices shoes and put on his garters then he be drew hla his shirt over his head bead and buttoned it down the front closing the top with the ordinary collar button of wrath producing tame fame then he picked up hla his collar and buttoned it back and front handling it as deftly as the average man manages manages hla his with ten fingers when this was done he tied his four ln in hand scarf ecart drew it tight and fastened with his scarf pin now he drew on his coat picked up his hat and put it on next neat he rolled a cigarette struck a match lighted the smoke and started pulling puffing it with plain enjoyment walking over to the water cooler he ha drew himself a drink and tossed it off without spilling a drop he pulled a nickel from his pocket dropped it and picked it up again but when he sat down took up a pen dipped it in the ink and dashed off hla his name in excellent handwriting first with the right hand and then with the left it seemed almost uncanny there axe are a lot of 0 folks who cant write legibly with the left hand even it it has tour four perfectly good red blooded fingers the arm that enables mr gates to perform such astonishing feats Is made of willow fiber steel gears take the place ot of joints and rawhide cords act as muscles each rawhide cord ends on a pair of suspenders fastened across the back and chest cheat which gives the necessary tension A mere mera shrug of the shoulder controls the arm and the distinct parts of which it Is composed the rawhide muscles move the steel joints and both in unison make the arm appear almost human the elbow Is 18 bent with a simple forward movement of the stump this by means of the cord attached from the forearm to the shoulder suspender raises the hand as tar far as the owner wishes high enough to take tal ke off his hat or brush his hair A downward movement of the shoulder conversely causes a slight tension on another anotn r rawhide cord controlling the fingers this bends the hand backward from the wrist joint and opens the fingers figers fi another shrug of the shoulder closes the fingers and locks them so BO that they can hold on tight to whatever object Is being handled from a toothpick tooth pick to a valise repeat the downward movement ot of the shoulder and the fingers are unlocked the wrist Is provided with a hinge joint and a button and can be locked securely in three positions the button can be pushed back and the wrist flexed automatically by means of the cord opening and closing the fingers all the work la Is done by the shoulders raising the elbow moves the wrist one third of a turn |