Show A FINE SOCIAL saturday Satur cay evening they held a social at the amusement hall the features were varied and many the bean game was a good one and caused many a laugh the were all well rendered except the the dog named rover that ma male le person know a word of the song only rover and never did say it at the right time mary and her little was executed in about a dozen different languages but the parody on it walked away with the prize the hat trimming contest was another good stunt an and d it P roved conclusively that men know a little about millinery art the piano solo by baby pearce a 4 year old tot caused a great deal of applause the refreshments were dainty and appropriate of course they danced every step all through the program and it had the faculty of malting making everybody happy it was one of those glorious occasions that drives away the blues particularly some of us unfortunate critters that are hundreds of miles from our own fireside fire side at yule time |