Show 1 after all england 0 is thel the country where the real big english are reticent money of the world is 1111 ini concerning their riches the united states we have by ROBERT L DYSON cutca chicago 90 a large number of i bals who have managed to pile up colossal fortunes fortun esl but in ia england 0 there are thousands of men of great wealth about whose financial strength 43 the public hears and knows nothing not liing over here the enor rich are catalogued cataloguer catalo gued but there is no such publicity in the old coun i I 1 try englishmen 0 are naturally more reserved and they have a bori horror or of 1 anything ta that tha t savors of boasting 0 about their bank accounts J I 1 last summer I 1 was the guest of a gentleman at his beautiful country 1 place about an hours ride out of london ile he lived handsomely budnot but not not ostentatiously I 1 attacked by a sudden complaint that carried him to the grave before i 1 I sailed for home I 1 was greatly surprised to see in the regular publication lof af the times that gives the list and value of the estates of decedents dece dents that the property left by him amounted to sterling or 1 in united states money later a mutual friend told me that scarcely anyone knew how bow coni con i eid sid erable was the fortune of the deceased and added that it was very common in en england land forthe wealthy to give no hint of their real monetary status |