Show if roosevelt gets the county seat roosevelt citizens will oppose any issuing of bonds for court house purposes within a period of five years voto for 0 s V or the county seat advertisement s if gou J think your choice is roosevelt rooseve it As a last word wora before the citi zens of duchesne county cast I 1 their vote for the county seat beat wants to say that the prospects are very fair tor for a t majority f the citizens choosing this place for the county seat k we wish to add that in so doing S their choice will be well made As the largest and most advance ed town of the county she is in a y position to give the best im t mediate service at the least yr j possible cost to the tax payers the question has been asked ay I 1 several times if roosevelt is t given the county seat how long k willit will it be before a new court ahouse house will be demanded roosevelt is in a position to i arance temporary quarters for pg the county officials at a very f nominal expense and these j im arters will serve very well un still 4 till time as the people de mand inand a new cour court t house this question of building a new court house wil not be for roosevelt to decide but for the citizens of the county to decide it will be up 1 9 to the commissioners of the county to take the initiative in 16 the matter of a new court house roos roosevelt evelt will be willing to put oft off the matter of building a naw house artlie s the 4 balance of the people of the county are satisfied it now should the choice be ches chesne ifor for county it would ff maan wean i a nw new court house would have to be wilt built at once and this i k v auld mean a bond issue issue t should myton be the choice she enn can very well take care of the t officers of the county in temo kemno rry cu cur arters for she also has the bunding this is a matter of ean anse fr the new county and should hould be considered by the vot ers well before they make their choice sine our last issue we abeln are in f formosi m d that a few of the citizens citizen J of Lake fork have gotten together ind and decided that Lake fork foric shin shall f enter aba th county sent seat ficht of 5 course the name of Lake Loke fork can not now be on the official ballot and the name will have to be written in by those who vote for that point which means that there is no possible nos ios sible hope bope for i Lake fork to receive anything like sufficient votes to even give eive her a j table standing in the race beem weem we hat duchesne is at the bottom of this last move in anty seat candidates honing thereby to draw votes from c knowing few of the f east 0 of f the Lake fork river f would cast their votes for the town in the river bottom I 1 i now we would ask the people in in Lake fork country to consider s before casting their votes for g this Lake fork venture at this j time had Lake fork come into the race and petitioned her name on the official ballot she might have stood some chance for success As it is a vote for lake 0 fork is a vote for duchesne in that it will take a vote from roosevelt in other words in voting for Lake fork at this stage of the game it means your vote is is practically thrown away other than it will give an advantage to duchesne we believe it is even more to disadvantage also as those who would now vote for Lake fork wold naturally have voted for either for myton or roosevelt we feel sure the east of the Lake fork do not wish to have the county seat at duchesne and they should see thru this trick of bringing Lake fork into the race at this time and not cast a vote that would be thrown away by casting it for Lake fork by bv voting for roosevelt now all those in the Lake fork al AI tonah boneta mountain home talmage and Blu districts assure themselves of a vote at some later period in placing a county seat somewhere near the center cente of the western division where in right it ought to be rather at the extreme southern edge of the country as would be the case should duchesne win out at this time then again should Lake fork be chosen a thing thine entirely out of the question at this stage of the game it would mean taxation at once for even temporary tempora rv buildings gs and an immediate bond issue issue for a court house for their isnora is not a building on the land selected bv Marc marchant bant key et al for the county seat chev would have you vote for or WP we are ard not talking Lr for political effect when we sav that placing the county seat at roosevelt would assure the new county of s slice of counte we speak advisedly on the matter and know that if the county spat is placed at roosevelt will be as large a portion of uintah counte attached to the new county at the next general elec tion as the vernal country will the standard in the near future the fall and the cropis crop is planted permit dermit to be annex annexed pd which means many square miles of the territory teri tory we have canvassed the territory east of roosevelt and as far north as la point even and the sentiment is almost unanimous in favor of joining the new county providing roosevelt is made the county seat but if the counte seat is placed further we wet west t these leopla would just as wall travel the distance to vernal as to travel a like distance or even farther fart lier to reach a county seat on the west end of the county these are maters voters should consider with all seriousness for it means very much to their future and to the expense of maintaining civil government roosevelt has every modern convenience cheaply and rapidly accessible access able for the benefit and service of the people in conducting county government geographically she is in the very heart of the developed territory teri tory of the new county and the portion that will be added to this new county A vote for roosevelt at this time means a vote for economy and immediate good county government advertisement roas roosevelt evelt Is confident of winning that roosevelt is in the race to the dry gulch irrigation corn company win by the determined and united of which roosevelt is the effort of al of her citizens is center stands preeminent among evident from the fact that one the mutual irrigation companies never hears a dissenting word or of the west the substantial voice among the people of the brick and stone homes that the town the people feel that they citizens have erected testify of are in a position to ask the the integrity and permanency of honest support of all of the voters the people and of their faith in of the county and to insure a this great country they have conservative economical and not built temporary shacks for progressive community in which the day and expect to reap rich lich to place the home of duchesne profits from the natural boom county so far as the people of and rise in real estate values roosevelt and the surrounding they are not speculating but are neighborhoods can influence the in the country to stay and redeem administration of the new government it their roads and ern ment that influence will be bridges have mostly been built such as has always been evident by the united effort of her people in this section of the country who are always willing to give roosevelt was built up by the their services gratis to any worthy united effort of the sturdy hardworking public enterprise her people who settled here water works system was installed there was no assistance given entirely bv private capital and them by the government either without bonding the town for a directly or indirectly and all that cent the people have achieved by way upon this record of clean progressive of building their canals and subduing gres sive and united effort and the barren country building harmony among her people permanent homes ana and d cultivating roosevelt goes into the county their farms has been done seat race and if the voters decide with determined conservative to place the headquarters of effort which characterizes the duchesne county within her true empire builder they have limits they can rest assured that taken out and practically completed the new county wil be built upon their canals without help the same foundation as is the from the outside capitalist and I 1 town of roosevelt 0 mr and mrs brig christensen were vere in vernal venial last week and purchased their winters supply f coal schedule of ward conferences duchesne stake of zion november esth babina theodore roosevelt november utahn talmage talmae north november boneta mountain home bluebell november mural altonah alzonah cedarview Ced arview december ath 1 west bluebell loka ioka c december hayden bennett myton harden bennion clerk 0 republican central committee roosevelt ed F harmston myton A F maxwell duchesne M B pope boneta thos bowden cedarview Ced arview thos roberts Stock more J C jensen alexander D J thompson packer 1 I W williams Lake fork geo T smith fred S antelope W E wheeler utahn M A ross fruitland froitland Fruit land chas fisher mrs nettle nettie mcmillen of denver colo has been in roosevelt the past and will probably locate here I 1 AT THE BOTTOM OF YOUR BALLOT YOU WILL FIND WHERE YOU CAN VOTE FOR THE COUNTY SEAT PLACE AN X IN THE BLANK SPACE INDICATED THUS VOTING FOR ROOSEVELT P I 1 FOR COUNTY SEAT ROOSEVELT X I 1 FOR COUNTY SEAT MYTON rth FOR COUNTY SEAT DUCHESNE T vote for ROOSEVELT ROOSEVELT U 11 B I 1 fc li I 1 I 1 for the county seat |