Show I The County Agents Report Duchesne County Farms News by Lloyd Smith and Norris UTAH SOILS MAY NEED ZINC AND IRON National Plant Food out for zinc and Iron This Is the advice of a man who has recently completed five years of research and study of trace element deficiencies at Utah State E. D. De Western Regional Agronomist with the National Plant Food Salt Lake warns that two are confused with one and both can stunt trees and reduce their bearing surface and crop different treatments arc needed to correct zinc and iron it Is important that the are properly he Zinc deficiencies nearly always result In the production of many small leaves developing near the shoot tips and bunched together on lateral according to De Leaves show yellow mottling area usually at tip of and also often become distorted and cupped Zinc deficiencies of apples and pears can be improved by use of a dormant zinc applied before bud of 20 pounds of 25 zinc sulfate per gallons of For about 30 pounds of zinc sulfate should be For a complete plant nutrient one pound of actual nitrogen per mature tree should be applied as a soil according to La Mar Utah State University The most striking of Iron deficiency is a very yellow leaf with a network of thin green As the deficiency becomes more leaves may bleach to a creamy-white color with no iron deficient unlike those deficient in are usually normal in size rather than De Remer reports that experimental plots for the correction of Iron have been established in Utah the past four Soil application of iron seems to be Uie most promising but often changes in management practices will alleviate the Over irrigation and abnormally high of phosphate fertilizers are to be avoided in this situation Iron deficient trees can be effectively treated in any C-A |