Show Roosevelt City Clean-up Week Set For April 15 to 21 A GENERAL APPEAL Is going out this week to all residents of Roosevelt as well as those who live outside the city to join Mayor Merlin the City and all employees in an enthusiastic CLEAN-UP and FIX-UP campaign which begins next Monday and continues during I week to April L HAVE MADE a very close survey of the city and find many areas t that are not only but F serious fire hazards to the safety of tho j property owners within tho city urge to seriously get tho and mako this year's clean-up a complete Mayor Sullivan said MUCH COULD BE written and said about needs and reasons for the annual Clean-up in each But to be brief and to the Clean-Up Week affords everyone an opportunity to concentrate on the job of eliminating fire hazards in the and get rid of and debris that have accumulated the past or UNDER THE of City Superintendent Dick who shares the enthusiasm of the mayor and council In pushing for a real CLEAN-UP arrangements have been made to have city trucks and other equipment make week-end pickups of debris on Friday and April 20 and and again on April 27 and TRASH SHOULD BE near the alleys and streets the so the city equipment and employees can load it on The city is willing to pickup anything that can be classified as if it is accessible to the streets and This Includes tree ONE OTHER SUGGESTION Scholes camp up with is that people who have areas that ought to be burned should contact Rae City Fire or Supt and arrangements will be made to have fire equipment on the to assist in the attempt to burn grass or weeded areas unless you have this Dick NEXT WEEK RANDOM photos of or fire will be printed in the Standard to remind people and property owners of Uie job to be sure your place isn't one to be photographed this WHAT IS BEING done In Roosevelt and advice offered In this article can and should apply to all of the Basin Each community should do a real job In and for Spring and |