Show TRIDELL Elven Morrill released from mission by Lorna and Ivan went to Salt Lake City Saturday after their Elder Elvin Morrill who is returning- from his mission to New Elder Morrill who served as supervising Elder and assistant to the mission president was released Elder Morrill will report on his mission in Tridell Sunday April GRANDDAUGHTER DIES and J. Warren received word Thursday morning of the death of their Marlene Olsen of Marlene was oldest daughter of and Marvin The Olsen's lived in Tridell until last fall when they moved to and Ray Haslem made a trip to Salt Lake City and Norman Kitchen From American Fork were visitors last week at the J. L. Kitchen j Those going to Salt Lake City Thursday morning to attend Primary were Lazelle Emma Vida Esther Karen McKee and Isola Jack Goodrich from was a visitor in Tridell jacic new down irom Washington to attend the funeral services of his niece Tracy and Harvey and children from Sunset were visitors last week at the Far-rell Simmons and Gene Wallace John Harvey returned home Tuesday after spending several days in the Uintah County Bishop Lester Bartlett went to Salt Lake City over the weekend to attend General and J. R. McKee and Vida returned home Monday afternoon from their trip to and Rae Goodrich took their daughter Toni to Salt Lake City will then leave for home in St. |