Show There's an unmistakable quality about HILL-HILL B about the people who enjoy it t Hm and HUI Straight Bourbon Whiskey has been a select Kentucky It is truly a bourbon made in Uie finest American the bourbon with the flavor of America i he bum bu cr hubby mm man-it nm UINTAH Farmers Co-op Phone Roosevelt for your fertilizer A P the sign of the store that sells farm profits Buy Nitrogen Fertilizers where you see this It takes Men Nitrogen for farm i Intermountain Farmers GROVER Manager Utah FREE PICKUP II CARLSON DRY CLEANERS WITH STA-NU FINISH PHONE J i Blue Cross Shield L BROAD FORM PROTECTION f NOW ij u AVAILABLE j TO FARMERS UNION MEMBERS AT LOW GROUP RATES t See Local Officers wl MARION ROSS MU R 9 JOSEPH MALNAR V WENDELL FRESTON CI CROZIER MU tad JAMES LINDSAY MA STATE OFFICE W. South if SALT LAKE CITY 11 |