Show artists worked months to obtain tho the finish and perfection found in machinery we wa shall exhibit dally daily on our float in jubilee parade and wo we take pride inin in in ft ferring to this machinery as being amongst the lie best and from tho the best manufacturers in america great credit is due the walter A wood Harve harvester company bain wagon company champion machine company weber wagon company J T 1 I case MINI JC M corn com party pany and many others for their con tri butionG ol of money etc to the jubilee fund wo we shall distribute from on our r float in proc procession cion dally daily fans for the ladies memora memorandum rvin books for all classes 1000 linen cap 1 1000 whistles 1000 columbia bit bultot pieces useful advertising matter consisting of story books etc co co GEO T odert gen hgr mgr A halo balo of red tag binding civino contains from to feet moro more than is found faund in bales of other brands it is even and strong and will not kink try it |