Show THE DINGLEY BILL both Ilot kouacs uses signed bythe by alic arest dent and Cong congress Tess adjourns lington july 25 the tariff bill passed its last legislative stage at 3 p in yester yesterday dily when the senate by the decisive vote of 40 to 30 agreed to the conference report on the bill the announcement was greeted rooted with enthusiastic applause by the crowded chambers this closed the great labor for which llie fifty filth congress ress assembled iu in extraordinary session and after stubborn resistance a at t times threatening a deadlock the senate concurred with the house in a resolution for the final adjournment of the session at 9 the president s message for a currency commission was received by the house but the house bouso bill creating tho the commission was not acted on an analysis of the vote on the tariff conference report shows that the affirmative firma tive vote was cost cast by 37 re ke publicans public ans arid and one democrat mcenery one silver republican jones ot of novada and one populist stewart stew art the negative vote was cast by by 23 28 democrats and two populists lists harris and turner and sir mr teller silver republican and two populists lists allen alien and butler did not vote one populist kyle and one silver republican pettigrew were absent without pairs which was equivalent to withholding their vote the following is the vote YEAS aldrich allison baker burrows carter clarl clark davis deboo elkins fairbanks F li frye gallinger gear halo hansbrough hawley hoar jones nev lodge mcbride mceniery SIc Enery inic Ic millen mason morrill nelson kelson penrose perkins perking platt conn platt N Y pritchard proctor quay sewall spoon cr stewart thurston warren waiten wetmore 10 NAYs KAYS bacon rate bate perry berry caffery Caf fory chilton clay cock cockrell roll daniel faulknor faulkner gorman harris jones ark lindsay I 1 mallory fa llory martin mills mitchell morgan mor gau murphy pasco pettus roach smith tillman turney turner turpie vest walthall Wal thaU white 30 TC 1 1 la 19 tj L 1 vt I 1 NJ ill 4 4 HON DINGLEY A few moments before 4 representative dingley appeared at the white house accompanied by depre se native hager chairman of the house committee on enrolled bills they were admitted at once into the presence of mr mckinley who was sitting at the cabinet table with secretary gage and attorney general mckenna on one side and postmaster post master general gen eral gary and secretary wilson on the other ile he greeted sir mr dingley and mr hager cordi cordially lily sir mr porter turned to tho the last sheet sliest of the bill and laid the document before the president lie ile had several pens at hand band the owners of which ld had begged might be used to sign the tariff act buter but mr ding dingley oley unexpectedly taking it a case from his pocket produced a beautiful mother of pearl handled pen dainty enough for a ladys use and requested that it lie be used need for the si signature nature the president r recognized the right of T mr Ding dingley lcy though he ha la laughingly ugIn gly commented on the di size of the pen lie ile steadily appended his signature to the bill and wrote july alth approved and that was theand the end of the act A burst of applause greeted this As the president dropped the pon pen attorney general mckenna Me Kenna glancing at the clock ou on the mantel remarked it is just four minutes past 4 the president congratulated mr din dingley icy on oa the successful ending of his long task both the thel house and senate have finished their work and adjourned |