Show bottomless CAVE IN INDIANA A rv cullar discovery recently made by contractors digging a gas GAR well A cave of enormous proportions has been discovered in the eastern part of delaware county ind says the cincinnati E enquirer the discovery was a very peculiar one samuel mcpherson a paswell gaswell pas gas well contractor had a set of men putting down a well near selma cast of afu muncie cie the drill wm was down about one hundred feet when it entered space much to the amazement of the men at the top end of the rope they commenced to let out rope and down down went the heavy drill it soon struck earth aguin again which seemed to be stee steep p and the drill slid off to one side arld and continued on down at an angle the men worked for hours attempting to penetrate the second earth and continue I 1 down to trenton rock theaon the contractor had several sections of pipe placed together and let down but they the swung in space lie ife then tried to partially 1 fill the hole which would give him a base to work on and prevent the drill irom from sliding off several cords cord of wood tind and a dozen wagon loads of boulders bowl bowld ders eTs were sent down and completely I 1 lost I 1 A horrible stench escapes from the hole making it almost almo A impossible to remain near the opening the supposition is that there is an axtens extensive ve opening some place in that vicinity and that the cavern is a rendezvous for wild animals for years hogs cattle horses and sheep have mysteriously borses disappeared appeared I 1 is from points in this vicinity and it is thought that they have been dra dragged 0 ed into this cavern and the horrible odor comes from their decayed remains contractor rono fortt med men have been working three days trying to get the drill started in the bottom of the cavern and they will probably give up lip the task others who do not entertain the ide idea j that there ian extensive opening think that tho the cave was a retreat for tile the indians and that many relics would be found could an entrance be made the cave will be investigated and in all probability a hole large enough for the anti entrance adnee of a man will be made and tile the interior will be several montah ago a cave care similar to this one except t that I 1 bat the bottom was not slanting was di discovered by drillers drillars dr illers while putting down a gas M ell near bluffton liloff ton the drillers drillars dr illers are of tile the opinion that the two are emine etell hlll if I 1 r tile fam fabii fa mii it iueli u oti cave of kentucky will vill bo be a mit tt affair the discoveries being made miles apart one aped aged farmer says hays that he intends selling belling his farm and move from froin that section of the country as he fears chatin that in a very short time the earth will drop and fill up the cavern and then theet farms will be a sea and they will all I 1 c drowned many others are excited ii in this manner |