Show GOOD MAXIMS here are some maxims of if life which if only sonic some one ched ill up to will help to make the wheel of life run more smoot smoothly itly keep keel good company or none ye er be idle cultivate your mind make few promises IIller i you speak to a person luok liim in III the face it if anyone speaks ill ot of ou let your life be so that no one will beliew belice it live up till to your engagements gage ments neep keep your anin MI secrets earn money before you spend it live within your income never run into debt anle cin le s you see a sure way to get out of it never borrow if you cin can Ios possibly sibly abid it neier speak evil of any one lie be just before you are generous small ind and steady gains bring the kind of riches riche q that do not take wings and fly away be courteous to hiir elders avoid intoxicating liquors do not dama damage e property which does not belong to you be just in ili all things avoid the loafers corner the time little wasted there is better spent in acquiring kno knowledge Medge which you w ill want ome some s day avoid hood linni lurn im ism to become manly men ind and womanly women the foregoing maxims are worthy of a good frame fraine all and tile the best place in the house for hanging the same so that it might always lie be vi sable to the younger members of if tile the family who could learn from itsume it ioni very every valuable alu able lessons |