Show IA FLU TOWN LOCALS on oil business of importance bent miller hodges IIo ilges to paris pans went lip ili took a spin to aielo returning sheep bring in miars S A ind and E I 1 L IN tok leave of kin kill and friends hereabouts and departed yes yc bilay l for zions chier chief city where they will enjoy y summer and autumn for educational n al purposes on the same train avent mr earnest Kini kimball hall son ot of former bishop kimball lor for park city where lie will delve into the mine seeking the precious metals the measles with which most of our children got afflicted hero here have about run ran out and right glad lad we are of it Lake laketown town weather arid and roads are lovely the farmers are getting in their grain and if war continues on the other sile bide of the fishpond fish figh pond they will not ho be surprised at tie ne dollar a bushel for wheat soon and are laying it out for good big wheat crops this year co assessor As bessor samuel weston will this thia week eek call on oil his friends whom lie he failed to reach last winter on the bear river side of our mountains mountain arid and will find out how much property lie he can levy upon to help maintain our rich by name and nature countes coun tys exchequer on sunday our meeting howko was kept a gorog as follows fellows sunday school from 10 a m eldera quorum at 13 12 in L 1 I S meeting at to p in funeral sery services ices from froin 3 to 1 p in and priesthood ine meeting eting from 8 1 p ru home missionary J IV Satter thwaite filled his appointment at the L D S meeting only five elders at the quorum meeting we hops hope all the worthy brethren who read this will wake up this month so mat next meeting should the round ur ui scribe happen there he can report a presence of at least two score and ten we never did extol tile tho weather but a sudden change followed een while our ink is wet it baak ts to rain and this will help tile seed already sown soun our peddler fellow citizens are traveling I 1 ng to Ea evanston uston they find laketown Lake town canyon an all uphill j job ob actually and metaphorically speaking JOSEPH IN laketown Lake town rich co april 21 1897 |