Show orand grand wrather wrath tr crops nel I 1 I 1 y nil all in cedar posts tit L mckinnon Ic Kinnon bros lion jim inu IV V myking was in town Wed wednesday i sire inre ladles ladies trimmed hats nt at mckinnon bros i lemuel mckinnon adit acut to lo evanston Er antton on oa business tuesday eil ed south is going to build a brick rest re silence ence this summer mckinnon bros sent it ft load clad I 1 of eggs egg etc to Ev vanton aniton wednesday bishop Mt Kinnon anon is 19 now dow quite well again after his lecont illness many new buildings i are going to bo be built randolph good work vork our 3 malle lee goodyear welt well slices shoes liuo have no equal nl at mckinnon bros home missionaries willi william ini rex arid and II olTman wore were our 1 ladt at t sunday FOR SALE A thoroughbred ri R year old hereford pull bull J IV myers flyers evanston WO win IVA me aio sorra to 0 o learn that Pre president 1311 budge lae I 1 is no better aliis bis is tile the second week of liis his miles wil mill iain spencer returned from evanston a load of merchandise for spencer bros broe store A large number 0 of our people ire are talking 0 painting trees that is aba right kind of talk providing actions follow if you have lati alanl I for sale adverta ad vertio e the lie fact so that people outside the county who are looking for homes hoine may inay know 81 sp ricer bros are arc going gg to ti have the brick madi made this sui sumi ritner iier to build ft a large sore and dance hall hal the succeeding spring our rate for publishing ct riv notices 1100 for hors s and for cattle eattle re bonest annest with the owners of estraya bl by publishing I 1 descriptions of such animals the money loaned by the state land board to the B R L S S co has been forwarded to charles stone sione the president of the company tribune it is ia a pleasure plea ure t visit the he lar er hop chop of E R south since be has moved into the lie n w building everything is antti n tit an and clean and ed takes take pride d e in in keeping beeping thorn so we have enst received another load of spring goods also hams bleon california evaporated Evann Evan orated ernits keg sarup and art erg pickle aicia which wo we will sell bell at prices arices to suit the times i spencer arrs some time ago wo we published a icell j itam statin stating that IS abw cov had been re rc clevene ih by A C call fron from barney vox fox we urn nr that the cw V was wa cepl in berrr and was alter after carls ars beturne I 1 to sir fo fox x we have been risk ask d to 0 make this thi mention of tile facts in the case and cl eer tully fully do so in ili a letter to the manufacturers mes q davis bezzard of we wet west t moril prey erey pl pa av a Chan iberl tins lina caugh lias has cured peo l thom our physicians could ilo not notI nothing ling ing for we per them I 1 lo 10 0 try a t bottle of it and they now it as do tile the rost rest ros t of us for sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle bv IKE SMITH our miners are now hard hala fit atit it tilling the soil poil they are over the prospects at the rd R d eipl basin one vein bealim topper oper gold and balver heing being aracid for a distance of eight anil ii twenty mo claims were staked 1 M I by randolph and nine by citi 7 li 11 ff Won druff an ali ini mence body of lit alco I 1 alle I 1 seleni tp arid and ala ais baier from ulrch wh ch plaster planter of par paris is is ma joaie e lips lies r on thu surface in tho basin it is of excellent quality and quite pure diet South woth of montpelier n pleasant caller on oil us wednesday abet is alie maker of alie vory very best harness oil we NN cl have ever used MO u e used it on harness barness b arness awl and alio S hile chile in lit paris Parl and sand cin can C in lic nestly recommend it it is i s it a great saver in chos leather i lien used as it dpn renders lers tile the boots and shoes recited anft an I 1 pliable ible and they will tike a coat anal of blacking ind and ly IV after use ng tile oil harness ilar ness oil can b bs i pro caid at all the stores eider albert E lluch R dia nl befool principal was vas surprised puriri jed on oil monday evening by a pirly party of ins his pupils munib ring about thirty A very pleasant and enjoyable evening wag spent iv all tile behor ils doss closs to dav and fr home is spring g lake will fin nu i 1 to tile southern st santes t es he Is has bag made a host holst of warm warin friends during his stay here As a 1 school t acar lie has proved 1 I himself bin iselt ciji able industrious arid and zealous in un interests of his hia pupils As a citizen tien ci liis conduct lias has been beenders des rv ing ingo of fall all arnie sober honest onest li a great argin cufr of nf all laws an n earnest worker n realy atily to luid lead out got in good healthy jiuu arid and with a natural aver aversion bion to lioi hoo luni ssta is it a trait always found in the llie true man that lie be will it a 11 wie na and it faithful mission is ia a certainty and we e all regret to 0 o loose hire him xie HO gibli liim bill god gd a auces lul bubois abot s and return hoine on comak coni vl ton lie he will olter be by liis his many nin friends hero here while away mrs Sani tiel Sta stamen nitin of loganton Lo ganton gauton pa bore her thirty four years of limi fering with willi courage arid and fortitude ifer her tiou blo ble was batsin in ili tile kdee in ili consequence her limb had bad become so stiff that she could coul i hardly walk mr is 1 a I well to do merchant ain reliant ind and had bad spared no pains or exper expense ibe to relieve her but N with ith little success bucci s until one ight when alien it grew so fro painful thit that ate could birday endure end iiri it 11 lr ed her to lo try pain bilm balm the effect n magical tile the erht firstal application relieved the plin pain anil and iab con liquid use ue lias has all as aud given give it her the free iju of lit her iiii limb 11 once ne e more inore if you have bavo friend ant iru are with insist on oil their giving this remedy a trial you can call do then them no greater favor as it is ia sure to give prompt relief and ana if they ire are a little it will direct etil teet a cure for sale bale at 25 ind and 50 cents per bottle by bv IKE SMITH robert Ne mckinnon kinnon vent ent to evanston wednesday fresh lemons 25 2 cents per iter doan at mckinnon bros bishop Bis lion mckinnon McKinn nn is now quite well again after hit recent illness see chali gAd adit of mckinnoe McKin noo bros homet liing of it terest lor for you air maj J AV of Luke town was in randolph on business mond monday ay ika smith is going to evanston li vanston for another load of merchandise early next nest week mckinnon tion IIA birn been appointed pioneer jubilee commissioner for idich county A farewell party was ven given tile the dist school teachers tea cheri wednesday evening it at the tyson house norn born to the wife of 11 II jacoh jacobin on on saturday last a datig daughter hber 0 mother mot lier atad abid child doing nicely another lot of ladies and misses sailor fiats latest high crown style just opened up un at mckinnon bros 0 A davenport la ia is ilvia via his cousin senator and other relatives in salt lake trib liei here B goes my mv entire stock of boots got shoos and at cost commencing monday may 3rd ard ike smith wo we I 1 I 1 ave just n large shipment of machine oil arid and can make a wry viry vi ry low figuro on same if your order is placed biti antii us now mckinnon bros broa the close of the schools will be celebrated on friday at 1 p 1 m by a dance for all pupils under twelve years of ape in the a program will be rendered interspersed with dancing now the cruel war is over I 1 lam am pre pa farej to loan joan money in ili any amount for long time arid and on eney easy payments those wan mantill till money on oil improved faun fabin property cannot do hetler better than write me it S spence montpelier ida attorney james 11 II wallis anticipates att attending priding the sessions of the district court and will promptly attend to all probate civil ind and criminal trusted to ins his care address care of tm tiu dovd up uia or paris idaho zenas beeman wai in town this week hustling business for the Evan evanson slon ini im clement rient C ca ind and beeman we had a pleasant plea sarA call from zone zene tiles div I 1 IV lie he tried liard hard to enlist us its for the salvation army hut but as we hae haae a little lor jor the army we declined the dist school teachers miss maud miss aliss clare care and miss aliss maelda Pe tesson will depart for their respective respect iv homes saturday they havo have been an all efficient stafi and have ghen g general satisfaction they will carry away the hie good wishes and esteen esteem 11 0 ol 01 I 1 u wide ide circle of friends here the example of W brewer justice of tile peace and a prominent citi yen ven of mt icett Jc ett pa is worthy of emulation lie ile says 1 I nover leave lauine without a bottle of chamberlains colic cholera and diarrhoea remeda ind and always recommend it to mv friends it is the best I 1 e aei er use I 1 and never to give inon chat bat relief for sale by IKE IKC |