Show V DR G W SHORES FAMILY REMEDIES S dr GW G W shores complete catarrh cure both local and internal positively el y cure re C catarrh t r h asthma bronchitis hay rever fever or a any cn y c 0 m a aei of 0 the nose throat br bronchia tubes or lun lencs 93 pull full size silt aioo trial size lar dr 0 W ionic anil and blood purifier cleanses and aill purifies the blood gives strength and cleor vi goe r ewes cults dyspepsia d Y and all nervous diseases price pic r L 11 r r bottle ur lr a 0 W shorn kidney and liver cure cures all dise diseases ses ol of the kidneys liver mind and bl bladder adler price 1 II 11 I per dr 0 cough cure cures all courlis cou cis colds colas and bronchial affections one dose will 1 slop spa spasmodic croup keep a bobile in the house large ta r tua sue size ball es vr lr 0 W shores shore mountain saze sae oil stops lops tha lh worst pain in one minute for toothache neuralgia alela cramps or colic use us it externally and in terri vernally ler nally ally Pre venti ls and cures diphtheria it if used in time keep a bottle handy price a abolt bottle lt dr dro 0 W pepsin desiro destroys yi intestinal worms and removes tile little round nest where they hatch and breed it dover dever falls alls price bottle dr U W wintergreen salve cures oil all diseases of the skin akin removes Keni oves red sputa spots and ana hack black pimples e s f roro rom the face heals Heal soli old sores in atos 3 to 5 days c box dr U 1 W aborts abor anti constipation pills cure chronic constipation sick alck headache and billeus Al ll icks tacks price a bottle it your case Is complicated write dr G WS hores stilt salt lake city utah for his hl new symptom list and get gel expert advice iree free these remedies prepares prepared and guaranteed by clr dr G W shores co salt lake city utah for sale and recommended mended by all druggists drug flit and de amri ir li in wedi cloe or sent ent direct on receipt of 0 price MCKINNON Ic KiNNON sol agents randolph DISEASES OF 01 THE SKIN the intense itching anil smarting inci incident to ce eczema zerna tetter letter salt salti i liburn and other oilier diseases of tile skin is instantly allae al lail LI by applying chamberlains re ane and ikin in ointment many very bad cacs li ne e lem permanent IV clied by it jt it is quilly equally t efficient for itching piles anil in a remedy for sore nipples chapped Iia haab nils chilblains frost bites find and c chrome ironic sore eves eyes for sale by druggists it at 1 25 s cents per lioi box try dr candys cadys condition powders they aliat a horse needs alien in bid I 1 con condition di tonic blood and verral foge for sale by IKE SMITH lid 9 0 caveats and trademarks trade M marks arks obtained and all pat ent bUSL business conducted for FEES OUR OFFICE is OPPOSITE 4 U US S aud and we can beaure patent ja in less time chaa those remote from froin washington send model dra draw ing or photo with des description crl p we ive alvise advise if paten Lible or not free of of harge charge our boisr fee not due till patent is secured 41 patents etith ethl A PAMPHLET ilow how to obtain cost of same in the U S and foreign co sent free address f co 0 0 0 0 OPP PATENT OFFICE WASH washington D C 0 A A A AL aget GET YOUR morys MONEYS MO rys WORT 4 SALT LAKE HERALD biggest Sia aest brightest and best DAILY 1000 per annum or per month semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY only per year or for 6 months subscribe through local agent or send direct to THI IIER 1111 CO salt lake city utah yv wa we have just opened up wibb a fine lire of MENS HATS we have marked them thein away down for quick sale our J MILLER st joes are unequaled for wear try a pair and if they are not the best shoo you ever wore we will refund your money just if in A new lot of LACE CURTAINS at prices front from 66 cents to 1200 per pair you can buy F U R N I 1 T U R E cheaper from Us than any other in the Cour country itry if c 19 1 J X IM 1170 I 1 N WB ugh a ft w A P v 5 1 1 e e a r casein mer co evanston wyo headquarters for ewar an asim C a I 1 top the the BOSS BOSS is is BOSS the the BEST BEST 7 the lightest running simplest and most efficient washing IN machine I 1 a chine ever blade every one uin using them thein is delio gated no homo home should he be without one send for prices and description ak B L ea 0 ak TOW ul 7 1 1 J TV hi 1 XV ia D er ID are buyers of farm farin produce Prod nice of every kind direct bring brig on your yo ar hides headquarters for R inch S u p p T aliis I 1 i is spring 0 an entire new stock of clothing n is put in anat it prices that will astonish tile the line of gerits gents all wool suits it at to in blackland blacks Black sand and fancy glottis cloths are actually as 0 good as those formerly soldat sold at 1200 to 1500 just arrived a car carload load of barb wire get our prices they are arc the lowest JUST RECEIVED DECEIVED A CARLOAD OF t cl 0 1 0 N L H ni ON LISI LISIS S R V R AND CUTTERS write for prices before buying prices guaranteed is as iolas low as the lowest grain taken in exclia evanston implement V |