Show A HAPPY MAN A USED UP OLD MINER RENEWS HIS YOUNGER DAYS from the report san francisco Fran risco cal among the afflicted who have for years visited san franci francisco co to br brace ce up their shattered constitutions is ia the well known william shoie ot of 28 minna street familiarly known re an daddy shore because of his hia affectionate disposition and kindheartedness kind hearte heartedness aness mr shore is the head ot of a family he be has it a happy homa a loving wife and children city and country realty paying mining investments and a pretty substantial bunk bark account for year however he be has lacked one thing which all his big wealth could not buy he lacked health and spent thousands 0 of dollars 0 are tor or c doctors and me medicines ic nes to obtain even tomp temporary relief mr shores greatest and most painful ailment was rheumatism for ten years he be suffered terribly at times the pains were almost unbearable rod and ho he writhed ill agony his limbs would swell and his head would ache so that rest was impossible spoils of sickness wore as distressing to bia family and his friends as they were weakening to the sufferer in san francisco he be had the best ot medical skill but all that tho the doctors could do was to afford kempor temporary ary relief all the health resorts and all the famous springs of the state visited in turn without effecting any permanent good results mr shore war wai about to give up in ia despair and settle down with ze resignation into being a lifelong life long sufferer when a san Farno icso f friend at whose home homa h he e was stopping told him of some mirace miraculous long cures made by the uee of a certain pill the name of which at the moment he could not remember clutching like a drowning man at a straw mr shore requested his fiield to make further inquiries about the wonderful medicine next day be was presented with a box of dr williams pink pills tor for pale people scarcely two days had passed before mr shore to get some relief and he felt very much encouraged and continued his bis treatment with steadiness and faithfulness before a week was over all signs of swelling had disappeared and his limbs were of normal shape and size relief from pain was gradual until it all went away the sufferer was amazed he could scarcely believe his big senses so pronounced became the ouie cuie in reasonable time to say that mr shore is a happy mau man does not express the situation he is brimming over with joy although an old timer he is as young as the youngest dancing and prancing around singing the praises praise of the medicine that wrought such a miracle there is no secret about his cure mr shore is one of the representative men of the pacific coast with hosts of friends and acquaintances all of whom can testify to the truth of the circumstances related above dr williams pink pills contain in a condensed form all the elements necessary to give new life ike and richness to the blood and restore restore shattered nerves they are an unfailing specifies specific for such diseases as ataxia partial paralysis st vitus Vitas dance sciatica neuralgia rheumatism nervous headache the after effects of la grippe p palpitation alpi tation of the heart pale and sallow complexions completions complex ions all forms of weakness either in male or female pink pil pills 1 are sold by all dealers or will be sent post paid on receipt of price 60 cents a box or six boxes tor for they are never sold in bulk or by the by addressing dr williams medicine Medi company schenectady N Y |