Show otince pi lore michael filkoff Hilko Hil koff tf russian imperial of tile alic ways and means ot of natum to kusala with by no beani ao 10 easy task upon ills his that of tile directors direct ois of the railway 0 oc the iho sup sui rio rl orlly rity or abe american mode inoda of tile the prince way may not lia be sayi that tile rall to vladivostok will give to cen trul asak a new tiou billeb will make Or il history to la tile twenty first century con tury ami awl perault a Jovi ruoy around the horld not ld to bp be roade anade lit in thirty three dais via new york bremen st Ieter ibur vladivostok and san I 1 rau ran isco tasco but lie be Is well aware that hat in india aud and china a rival ft hb belne enie la Is tinder way which will belie brumfit fit china aud and england Kugla uil but bin no other nation alence it II I 1 is that lv he would have libre Ain amerlean Amerl erlean can rolling biocic in Sib Sl birla iria title lie be points out the all ail or of tile system to aim rican and capital lits ati an en syndicate has bab seemed b lurd lord proui lea ot of financial ald from the british and indian ini I 1 governments for the construction of a line from upper burmah to szu mile mao the center ot of the most productive region in asia and thus whatever MY may be the tae respective strategic advantages to russia and great britain their rivalry in asia will certainly mark a new era cis in chinese civilization when the twenty first century dawns |