Show administrators SALE NOTICE is hereby riven girou that on saturday january SO 30 IM at 12 noon at my ranch at otter crook near randolph rich county utah I 1 the administrator of tho the estado of dexter litchfield deceased will soil roll at public auction to the hi host and best bidder tor for cash tho the following described personal properly porty belonging to said estate tho the same el being ri 11 all tho the personal property of said estate to 1 wit t 83 tons of hay 71 7 or more h head ead of two year 0 old id I 1 boo beef cow I 1 cow and calf 2 yearling car heffers heifers Hei fers 28 head boad more or ions stock horses sot of harnesk Kar Harn ness esq saddle and bridle I 1 mowing machino machine and rake ank e I 1 wagon various farming Far mini implements household and i bob sleds and hay rack 1 sleigh wearing aga apparel rol 1 I diflo crosscut Cros acut saw grindstone I 1 field od 1 glass sone some beneo poloa poles and nit all the tools implements and appliances belonging to said estate li state salo sale to begin at 11 12 noon sharp of said day CHARLES E JENSEN administrator of estate of dexter litchfield deceased DISEASES OF THE the intense itching and sil lartin incident to eczema tetter salt ib cheum and gobber other diseases of the skin ekin is instantly alla ilai beil ed by applying chamberlains eye eve and skin ointment many very bad alses have been permanently cured by it it is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples chapped hands chilblains frost bites and chronic chrome I 1 sole eyes for sale by druggists druggist at it 25 05 cents per box try dr cadys cades condition PoH ders they are just horse needs when in had bad condition tonic blood purifier and for sale gale by bv IKE SMITH JA A A at A t A A A aia art ret YOUR YOUK AVOW 1711 y 4 SALT LAKE HERALD I 1 Bi sliest Jest and best bast DAILY 1000 per annum 0 or sac per month semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY only per year or tor for 6 months subscribe through local agent or send semi direct t to TIIE THE HERALD 00 salt lake city utah bv yaw wab international DI lal i almary successor of the tho one great Sian standard dard authority so ro biter ron lion U D J juluce U 13 supreme court Stian standard dard of chev s novt rr intino office the Us V S Sup reiD coart ull t tha stala t 1 l brenic teme courts nearly F til the warmly Conini ended bt ty state q or schools ollay 0 ad duca tort without number umber zi Xvi invaluable valuable in me hon and to he se chol holar nr pr pro laan and self ac educator THE BEST FOR PRACTICAL USE it Is I 1 easy to find the tha word wanted it to 1 tally easy to ascertain the pronunciation it Is assy to trace the growth of a word wora it Is in easy to learn what a word means 1 tio the detroit freo free aress says say as f amona j s tb aboe u uw vf fit ft a dictionary tb S Is our old idena and manc by k sad and to ineat the of 0 car lin gnaga and nd civilization 0 0 the whole hole luu hu beon been cuido to ref mt the thought and ua latest and beet of me lua guage mat bat now encircles the iba globe nov IL the tha chicago atmos herald berald says wab websters in lla its cwi iwi form fona I 1 ial lute auL bority oleve on n rg to our lafrage in trio the wa way of f bo V r antoo 0 0 anil on vernm it 1 DO appeal perfect KJ wp abla caa make I 1 rim ill U af 10 t i cerr THE BEST I 1 W pages page sent on appi tation to 0 CO pu publishers i mass USA i t WD 0 ch prePrInts of ancient NOTICE TO CREDITORS estate of dexter L litchfield deceased doco asod NOTICE is hereby liven given by tho the unde igne of 0 tho the estate of dexter L litch riold docca sod to tho the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said eaid doce deceased sed to exhibit them with th tho 0 necessary ec em vouchers Tou eh chers or within 4 months alter after tho the first t publication abdication of this notice to the said administrator charlos E jenson at his rosido residence on otter crook creole rich county utah dated randolph rich county utah december 26 E JESEN JENSEN administrator of the estate of dexter L litchfield deceased J attorney first publication january jannary 1 ISM NOTICE FOR publication no united states land office I 1 salt lake city utah december ember 21 ISM notice is hereby riven given that tho the following named settler liaa baa tiled filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of 0 his claim and support that said proof will bo be ma made 0 before tho the county clerk of rich county utah at randolph utah on february 6 viz THOMAS FR ZIER U H E no ma for the S i S E U sec sec 18 tp 9 N R 7 E ho he names tho the following foU ovine itne gaes to prove his continuous residence upon anti and cultivation of said land viz elmer eastman I 1 actman S L huffa ler D W gastinau hasti easteau East mau nau and edwana edward bor corluss Cor lues loss all of Woo woodruff draff U utah tali B iio GROO register first publication december 25 cavote and anide marks obtained and all pst pat edt bot bammen conducted for fee OUR is U S add we can secure la ica acs tire timo than those remote from OM send model drawing or photo aboto with tion lion anve W if paten tible or not free aco of of charge our fee not duo till patent 1 cl A PAMPHLET how IlOw too to obtain Palen lai with cost of suno same in the U S and foremen tent tree free CA SNOW P co OPP PATENT orrica 0 C pay extortionate prices for FURNI FURNITURE TUm we can se sell same at least 25 to 50 per cert cent lower than any furr furniture store ir in the country f WE dont claim to have an enormous stock on hand band but wo we do guarantee to sell 25 to 50 per cent cheaper than any 0 one ne else and anything we do not have in stock we will ivill get for you on short notice at lowest price call and see our line mall I 1 aft an non r BUILT FOR FOB THOSE WHO WANT THE BEST BY MEN MEM WHO KNOW HOW ML t Y L T OUR OWN regarded by all who are them as the best that can te be made visalia VJ salia tree with steel horn full seat double or single rigged warranted War rented to stand the heaviest work and not to hurt a horses back delivered at any R station in wyoming idaho or utah for with privilege of examination before accepting by no means the Chia cheapest pest but by long odds the best bow hamn mir 5 bulton wpm 1 P E OK W I 1 T H 10 L A U H R EVANSTON headquarters for 1 sul P I 1 1 P ti I 1 I 1 a top market price paid FOR LIM of al 1 1 on n tt IV na beckwith ak lauder tow moh N M HODGES proprietor manufacturers ol of coldon high patent S sheaf FANCY PA NCY uinta high BW tr q fam wr ily ht pride patent F PL L 0 v U R s germade C ss fahami made and mill of all kinds |