Show rt 4 i 1 ID tu JE 1 I I 1 VT J V jin J i 11 ll d f tf WW W f 1 liM tl talim j h ii 11 Z t 0 3 I 1 ar I 1 4 J 11 1 4 4 I 1 ki 4 partitions in silo whore where several silos are desired or where two kinds of silage are to bf be stored so as to be fed at any time one large silo with one or more partitions will be che cheaber aier than separate silos silo s in the illustration shown herewith will be seen how a partition may bo be put in n R round silo ly by running a second partition at right angles to the first tile the silo may inay be divided into four pits but it Ls always liest best to avoid partitions when possible to do 10 lo so if a partition Is ninde made it should be afir clr tight but if the filling takes place on both sides at the same saine time it need not be as strong in the round silo the partition should be put pill in after the lining to make the partition two of inch boards with paper betin between een may be used T these hese should be nailed to studding made out of gags sawed in ili tn two 0 diagonally using two pieces at each end of the partition placed so that the sawed face fills the corner formed by the partition with the intermediate studs the boards should be nailed to the sawed or wide side so as to avoid forming square corners it if a rectangular silo Is built then two layers of matched fencing with tar paper between should be used for the fluom lining to lessen the spoiling of silage at till the corners these should b be cut off N with ith one layer of inch boards about IS 18 inches long iong this should then be lined with roofing tin soldered together ether into a strip long iong enough to reach from froin near tle the top to the bottom and wide enough to nall nail to the lining and to completely coner coer the two ends of the short boards by as much as two inches 4 r PARTITION IN ROUND HOUND SILO un on each side the tin should be kept palli painted ted with coal tar to prevent rusting seed corn selection of seed corn and its ita care afterwards are arc of much move more importance ance than many realize until bitter disappointment faces them theia with perhaps one third of a stand and then it Is too late to recover for the year and stilt still farmers go light on and do the same imme thing another year A careful and painstaking farmer who vilho makes a success of all his farm operations biays up on the subject while I 1 always go into the field and select eaily cally at least a part of the seed I 1 do not plant such so selection lection unless I 1 have failed at husking bugling time to gather such as I 1 desire I 1 can select just the size and shape that best to my iny mind at that time and I 1 cure it in the tha chamber over my kite kitchen beit stove store and leine leane it ethcie until wanted in the ear I 1 would not shell any I 1 did not use tor for the year and during my entire life I 1 have never so saved corn that 08 03 per cent would not grow and seldom ever falls alls even at throe three years old while the early ill always grow and will make very early corn after a number of years of such savins saving 1 I am satisfied that variety grows small by so doing I 1 prefer to bow the largest and best of its kind at busking buskin time either f from rom stalk or shock one c can make the selection leave enough husk on the ear and throw to one side of the wagon and in this way the corn can be js elected with little or no hindrance unless there has been a very hard freezing with corn damp there Is very little danger of it its not growing if properly cared for after picking how dow to cure meat after killing and dressing if in cold weather bring the hogs into some building where they will not freeze as polk which has been once frozen la is more difficult to cure to commence et cutting t till up after the ati animal linal hert heat Is out of the carcass cut off the hend head just behind the ears if cut in the right place the head bead can easily be twisted off cut off the feet an inch or it a little more below the hocks then cut down the middle of the backbone lay the two sides flat and take out the tha lard beginning at the kidney it Is not a bad plan to take out the lard while the pigs nrc are hanging nud and before they are quite set bet cut off the hams hains cutting with a sloping cut neatly tho the trimmings nill all come in for sausage meat find be more profitable than if ugly corners cornels are loft left on which are also wasted when once curled cured on the ham a next hext cut off oa the shoulder be hind the shoulder blade trim shoulders after taking out rib bones take baek back and rib bones out of sides unless uti lesii lu in case of light weight hogs when it la is better to take out back bone only leaving ribs in to take out ribs keep the knife its as near the bones as possible this may be awkward at first but experience pe peri ence iv will teach Iland linsZ baled hay it Is difficult to urt lift an all ordinary bale bala on to a wagon more on account of its than its ita weight the wrought iron hook presented in the illustration will enable a man to handlo handle baled hay bay with much greater ease case the bale to be lifted should be stood on one on end then lean the upper end against you and reach over and place the hook near the other end and bring it up tip perpendicularly and then the whole bale X A 1 1 I 1 A HANDY HAY HOOK may be easily handled the goolt should be made of 38 3 8 inch round iron with a loop for a good grasp by the hand aud and may be drawn out smaller at the other end farm farin and home A good cement an excellent cement for mending almost anything may be made by mixing together and glycerine to the consistency ot of thick cream or fresh putty the cement Is useful in wending mending stone jars or any eci earthenware stopping leaks in seams scams of tin tia pans pails or wash boilers cracks and holes in iron kettles etc it may also be used to fasten on lapp lamp tops or tighten booso nuts to secure loose bolts whose nuts auta are lost to tighten loose joints ot of wood nood or iron or in many other ways about the various kitchen utensils the range sink and in the pantry fittings s in all cases the article mended should not bo be used until the cement has hardened d which will require from one day clay to a week according to the quantity of cement used this cement will resist the tha action of water hot or cold acids and am almost any degree of heat beat what counts some meu men will do twice as much work as others in a given time and not seem to be working hard either it Is steadiness and a nd know how that counts false steps and motions soon wear out the hiLr hardest dest workers take an interest in what you do and hire the men that thai cau can got get over work rapidly and well even eveia it if they do cost a little more pey per day it will pay in the long iong run carina for sweet Pota potatoes toce the old theory ot of pulling sweet potato N ines as soon as k killed filed by the frost Is errole erroneous ous the potatoes should be ba duz dug before be fore cold weather and stored in layers in ili a dry cellar if get them off wt floor pack around the tha outside of the box or shelf holding them with leaves they are quito susceptible to light touches ot of frost the live farmers tho the live farmer la Is sure to be at the tha farmers institutes where experienced men conic come to relate the causes of sue suc cess and of their various failures la in attaining it the live farmer Is awake to the importance of listening to denof men of his kind their experience Is the power which pushes on agricultural pro gress |