Show advertise es trays chas jensen nill vi ill ebia a cari carloa cial 1 of cattle saturday furniture now new find secondhand second hand liand at beeman A cashin vier mer co 0 3 spencer is in salt lake city on a business and pleasure trip TUP HOUND UP and cincinnati weekly enquirer arr ear basli in advance I 1 mckinnon dris I 1 ros shi shipped plied a 1 l carload ol of grain tuesday unil and will shill another today ed south intends shortly to take liis bis wife to 10 salt lake city to undergo medical treat treatment mont NOTICE stake conference will not coincide camene until the and 2nd saturday in december tuo the lath hotel tyson iloie E lee yf lewis A acis n li ii laker I 1 st charles charlea idi ida J nie bloomington ila ida and loe io our onn oilin nake make the best in tile vi arh art i at eve inan A aeshin mtr mt r co riders pearl snowball ind and bishop mckinnon were the speakers at thu afternoon service last sunday mrs hannah spencor spencer who lios bris been confined to tier ncr bed fur fr niora than a ii neek eek the llie result of a shock is on tile the ain giove alove Adellie rt fackrell vilio kicked bi by a I 1 livorse 0 o arse is progressing nicely but it will wil i hakea tike a long lone time little for tile alie gash on oil liia itis leg ie to healas acal as it is quite largeant large and apau the bone jut jua bi b low the kneecap knee cap eap robert the 18 vearold vear old soil a ot 1 S darshall Mare Jar liall shall hurt chiq foot font sever severely elv last saturday it is ia not known any any brines bones are L broken or not ns as the alie foot is is so enuch swollen ilk horse fill fell with liim him I 1 now lowthe ho cruel wr is I 1 am im 1 mirrl I 1 to III linn it in ii any adiv antoini anio ini fr fir lur time ime and on alpy wrin ro ney nry on implom it il fi fa in ill arup prop arty cannot annot do 0 o bi inter t cr than ian enli it me it 11 ta S Si enc Mont peli r I 1 la ii we acino 0 de receil 0 4 liell il t K i lk iv I 1 wt wr all ly p ic oil our lir X list T tans 11 journal is ii 1 1 il 1 the anti inti ic ti 1 of I the print r and is ig prilla d I lit at denver ju I 1 ig n nj ir in iti in 6 aeral app arance and mak Z up its is isle ia it is clau nev nc ws and inter interstice otice |