Show FARE ONE DOLLAR lie ile was a anict lotkina man but ile he knew irow HOW to shoot the ticket agent at bis big bend 1 end was not tile he dinall for bior the place and lie ile realized it us as well is as many others lie ile was a nice man ilian and knew ills his business but lir lie licked lacked band the fare front from big el belld to blick black was a dollar but j i when any of tile the crowd wanted to go down they handed in two or three tel als s as the case might be poked five or alx inches of ft a revolver through the Indo waud ind called out ticket fur black hill and dont waste too much ville oi 01 er it the agent always handed out a ticket bild lild pretended that things were all right anil the boys played it on libil him till lie ile had bad to chlow up lip ills his job one day tile the ow old nian man went and the new one tool took his bis place lind and four or five of the gan eaas I 1 went ent down to the depot to size the latter up tip when they returned to camp there was nas a majority and a minority re rc bill thompson was spokesman kosman for the majority and lie he said lies the softest thins thin in these yere yera parts iri not goin to buy any diore tickets TIk etS but ill scare cm cin outer him bin the sight of a gun will make his liar har cull cuil cob bob williams wa spokesman for tae me minority and was also the minority us as well ile he looked very segious as he be said caid iles hes a pale faced humble bumble lookin but dont make no mistake on li manlie manile m carries his forefinger curled vp up as if trigger and the firby rian who shoves a gun in ou on him Is goin to git hot lead in return the camp was divided on oil the aus qu ts tion and after much talk bill thompson offered to make the test and settle tile the problem in a day or two a sore score of cf us went down to witness the performance for mance we ve were lounging about the waiting room when ulicia in walked bill with a whoop and advancing to the ticket window lie he gruffly inquired the fare to black hill one dollar was the reply A dollar fur me bill Thomp thompson soun yes sir for you or anybody else arid and you wont ont take a half no sir you wont take it with this thing thin behind it continued dill bill as he shoved the coin along with the muzzle of his luu no sir and 1 and thero theo was a pop pop pop and six bullets were chasing each other into williams an nonay lie ile lost a linger finger had bad an ear eglit and an eyebrow shot on off got a rake across the ebin chin and another not h er acres the scalp and he have time to f fall ill until all was over then the agent opened the door of his office and looked us over and sald said 1 I shoot to bill and he hurt much the fare to black hill Is one dollar exactly one dollar any one ae else want to get to black hill for a barter uart cr er without a word in reply we picked hill bill up ind and lugged him off ile he was also a very seirra man we had got him all bandaged up and put to bed before he be was ready to talk and then he simply inquired boys who did dd all that shoot shoo tInT ln why the file feller you said you could bluff answered one of the boys but I 1 thought I 1 did lie he growl c cl as he turned ills his face to the ho wall nal and shed tears il 31 quad in Was washington bing star |