Show TEXAN revolution tt it Is IB to commemorated in a bronze A magnificent bronze monument Is to ibe be erected in galveston tex in ID cool COB me ol of the lie texan revolution of 0 1 laso rj george J a hungarian sculptor made the design the jonii ment will be constructed on tour four hwe huge granite blocks each one of which Is smaller than the one below thus form lit ins four steps around its base sur mounting the granite platform blocks blocki isan irregular base of dark granite on which v aich fogts rests a tall and graceful shift tills this shift shaft Is a bronze bill ball on which Is perched a figure of 0 victory with outspread wings holding in one hand an olive branch and in tie the N gy w at 4 y I 1 THE commemorative other an olive olite wreath she extends the wreath over the heads of the heroes sculptured below on oil the four ion long panels of the base are bas in 10 bronze of tile the four plia cipal bial cleats ol of tle decisive battles or ol the revolution ou on tile tho four cartouches car touches are portraits port raita lu III bronze of heroes of the revolution while standing on oil the base in the picturesque tur esque uniform of the lie texan soldier lire fire life size figures in bronze of sam Jlou houston davy crockett bullini Ul 1111 lini am ald vey rcy Slier nian ind and other heroes of the revolution on one side ot of the shaft i Is ii i inscribed Mori amor pro |