Show testimonials alts aroni citizens of mho lai haio 0 been cured by chain borlain 8 cough ftc lumeda luedy mr W IV shillen Sp illen drug clerk clark with J IV 11 McCon cConnell nc Parna sair pa says 1 I inas out all one ight last winter and contracted a sever cold I 1 for a week I 1 could hardly hardev speak knowing in how bow well customers of our iture spoke of chamberlains cough remedy Kei nedr I 1 concluded conclude tl to try it one liali bali of a hottle bottle cured me entirely J JA A van ilu desville hes ville ra pa SAYS sn ys chamberlains couoh cough remedy JRe meily liaa has proven so ko valuable that thai 1 I do 10 not dt hesitate to recommend it to any one dr F winger Eph ephrath ephrata Ep brata rata pa ila anys sas mr J D kline a cigar maker of title tin place reports 1 a I complete cure of his bis cough with a 50 cent bottle of chamberlains cough remedy after lie had tried tred others which had foiled for sale at 25 and GO 50 cents per bottle by IKE SMITH |