Show DISEASES OP till THE the intense itching and inci delit to ci CC acini UloA teller calt ulla oilier diF cases odthe akin ii n allimie all iMil by applying lying i e ee yc rind akin ointment many cy cry bad cases M ca line I 1 ta e ben cured by it it ib allu brillient CrIlLi ent for itching acs piles ics anda aej i favorite remedy for bore nipples hallda lii nil chil frost bites awl and chronic ironic sore caes 1 or bale by drug gibis nl at 0 2 7 cents per box bos try ur dr callas cadys condition powders the they 7 v aliat liat a bior cecils v lien in bad condition tunic blued nac ajr I 1 1 ir sile iy ay I 1 IKI ii n sni sarn i ri i cold Ire weather atI see deckwith Brck wilh La ladders ild ad in this issue 20 degree of frost at al 6 this inor nin letter from C ir 11 alley N will ill appear in next isue issue organs mid aud pianos it at beeman cashin mer co tiie the democrats have carried every office in rich county excepting assessor and see tile wv now ail ad of nf beeman cashin in tvs thia issue I 1 william halo returned to liis his star valley home friday furniture Fur new and secondhand second hand at beeman cashin mor mer co lion weslay K walton returned return od front from salt lake city saturday 2250 for a first class sewing math ino at beeman cashin mer co the election liera here was waa characterized characterised by the rood good fooling feeling which prevailed tun drouyn rouyn up and cincinnati enquirer per ver year vear cash in ad ance deseret evening news and THE TE ROUND UP only pr year cash in ada heating and 1 I cook stoves new and secondhand second hand at deeman cashin mer co joseph of was a welcome visitor to our sanctum thursday I 1 Willi william arn gordon of Mcadow ville went ti logan wednesday lie ile will winter there the cincinnati enquirer ind and tue THE ROUNDUP ROUND UP only per year cash in advance call at this office and examine the si simple of moul dings made by tile the paris shin shingle ale mills when in evanston call in ill beckwith fc La ladders emporium and see sec their splendid stock of 0 goods A lu hale came over from star valley thursday lie ile waldrine wll wAl drive the evanston stage a awhile hile wilen when in evanston call at I 1 kastoras Ka and see ee his beautiful display of clothing and benti furnishings kindly call or send sand that little account silver or gold will do we cannot afford to discriminate between the two FOR SALEA SALE A secondhand second hand cewin machine in first class condition will sell esquira En at this office try our crown brand tea imported direct from froin japan by us and guaranteed best inthe in alie market joshua eldredge Eldr erla of if returned froni from salt lake laka city Satur saturday dav he ir ought brought liis his wife witia him she is now cuite well geo goddard slip adent of sunday S pt of zion will attend the S S conference at randolph nov ov letb and FOR SALE tons of wild hay and lucern 2 and fa 3 per ton on ground or will winter cattle at per head beai J S it utah the deseret news daiev weekly and semiweekly semi weekly the national baine bimetallist t and the american farmer can be obtained at club rates from this office roxie tile the nine vearold vea ro old daughter daug liter of sabui Sani uil 1 F gunn died last friday and was buried sunday deceased was only ill two days and d ei e 1 of blood poisoning caused by an injury to lier her log leg I 1 have plenty of money money to loan on oil im probed farm properly low interest inte iest loni timp time eay easy payments you can call pay it back by installments interest ceasing on all amounts as ai paid apply to R S spence montpelier ida if you aro are sick or in pain from any ol of he fol following lovin cramp To toothache headache earache face ache rheumatics neuralgia INI eural gia or any ally other ailment yet get a botoe ofrain of pain paint from E T popo pope Rando randolph price 23 25 50 cents centa and sl 81 per bottle f t joel joseph ll price son BOH of dp bp robert price started on oil his mission to A estrill ia last monday uro bro joseph is al an exemplary y young oung man inan and will ho be much missed in the second ward the post him a safe journey and a successful milion mi gion paris ida rust post we are pleased av abany any ti time me to publish in missionaries mission iries letters but wo ire would suil eug armst thit that they confine 70 to 7 incidents inc identa experienced by bv ali ahm ni in their labo laboure labours tirs and travel some of our missionaries sion slon aries hava been receiving this paper for five months and we biava lave not aicard a word from them our renders would bo be plemon to know liow bow they are pio 0 gressing gr eisin anil and whit what they tile ilie ezri in their respective lielda fields oi of labor pining tit im fi everal years residence in the far nesta west I 1 had many fr r observing n tile i tul eff edicts esq of clain lierl ber aias lains colic ilic cheera Clio eri and it ith anic cy wis was demonstrated in the alkali regions ii bere alc tle tlc produces violent purging pur gin it allayed alli the alie attick attack etien all other ether s failed I 1 repeatedly saw tin tile greatest adest dis trus from roin diarrhoea cured in a few minutes I 1 used cherem ilie rem dy ith alio result saria and ran can men roeum it for tin complaints for or which it is iq indicate indi cati d 11 Y ell of the pa this is bior sale by im IKI Tuc day wasa was i lively day in ill randolph oats taken on subscription at this ibis office crockery lamps and glassware at beeman it cashin mer co tur tun borm ur UP and the lie american far only per year cash in advance we are in need of money will our subscribers who are owin owing endeavor to sett settle ae the semiweekly semi weekly deseret news and TIM THE ROUNDUP ROUND UP ur for one yo conr ar 4 cash in advance harness 4 and saddles our own make 1 tile the best in tho the world lit ill due bee man cashin lifer co bishop J 1 M J baxter of woodruff find and ELI ed south of randolph have been appointed appraisers appraise ra of school lands for rich Coul county ltv our correspondent at round valley lid did not send in the lie result of tho the election there so our returns for the county ire arc incomplete is as wo have hava buen been unable to get th them ein from any other source I 1 lave lave plenty of 0 money to loan on oil improved farm property properly low interest long iong time easy payments payments you can pay it back by installments interest Inte reet ceasing on ill all amounts as ag paid apply to P R S spence montpelier ida chag robert spencer and allen alien bert snowball were the rece ipie ants of a giand farewell picnic party and dance tit at tue the meeting house thursday evening they leave tomorrow morning for the southern states to labor as misi onario THE ROUND ROUNDUP ROL ND UP joins th their air many friends friend in u wishing diina them success R S SPENCE irp AT montpelier IDAHO dr EZ loo lee Is prepared to do all kinds of dental work crown and bridge work woric a specialty teeth extracted WITHOUT PAIN FAIN WOODRUFF UTAH SALT LAKE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY TRIBUNE on juno june 1st ast tho salt lake will r duac ri luce tile price of alie the semi week ly iv to per year the present high he be maintained maintain crl arul anil ev every er Y effort will lie made to keep the semiweekly in tile the front rank 2 jai AX aa A 0 burt Q let MONG lS 4 SALT LAKE HERALD b nigg brightest right est anel and enczi es DAILY DAIL 1000 pe per r annum or per month semiweekly SEMI weekly only aler year or ac for 6 months j subscribe through local asen agen 0 or r send direct to TUP till cu salt lake city utah 1 t 0 THE MUM KM f jons JOHN SNOWBALL prop first class accommodation a tion for transient and other quests i lla har v grain and stabling Stab lini in connection tion terms reasonable geo web bebo carpenter builder and contractor our guaranteed to te be ical ind and promptly done RANDOLPH UTAH TIIE THE HOTEL marxe WILLIAM DOWEN bowey l iop evanston luls kept strictly first class colli coin I 1 lina I 1 for all 1 I 1 travel traveling I 1 D 1 men ale n tile liar is supplied r P I 1 1 with will tile finest brand brandi i of liquors and cigars cig irs hales reasonable xv 0 t 0 4 0 caveats and 1 I rade D marl carls a obtained and all pat fat t busina conducted for MS whosel UR CC IS U S PATENT orfice lid YO wo can secure ni abs than choca 5 remote calote irom from wahington irlo i sand moda draw ing or photos photo etli ill j s tion on ve vc alq advise if i or nt not free of clarac clar gc our nr ice ce not due till is iii ac cured j A PAMPHLET a u I 1 low to lo obtain patents with f co cost ol 01 i tame same in hie die U S and foreign countries sent free address OPP PATENT WAS warmington D C 0 o isa ur Z amel I 1 ii B S I 1 nall 1 B why should you trade with us ans because we carry cany john deere plows and harrows racine Spring Wag ons and buggies woods mowers minnie emme binders thomas rakes bain and old hickory wagons and a full line of everything you 11 need cod and we will tal take W grain in payment clit for foi same which I 1 you yon can readily see is to your advantage z se send aidus us your orders evanston imp co evanston wyo arch mckinnon Rc Kinnon GENERAL aru all kinds ot of blacksmithing wood woi k anil and Horse shoeing jone done on short notice carriage and wagon work a specialty inventor and sole maker of the lie celebrated mckinnon Hay My stacker patent RANDOLPH UTAH J L ATKINSON manufacturer and deiler dealer de iler in furnishing and building lumber siding T C flooring lath shingles Doors Windows Nin dows and Moul dings office neat the mill EVANSTON wyo M mckinnon c K I 1 N N 0 N SON harness and saddle saddie makers ret dono on nolice nothing but best material used in our work randolph randoll li U utah tall ED SOUTH tonsorial hl M art artist st 1 M hair cutting shoving shaving and shampooing in latest stylo style RANDOLPH UTAH JOS H NEVILLE EVELLE contractor Uon Gon tractor and builder WOODRUFF WOOD UTAH riana plans anil and specifications sacci citation a furnished ji 4 U 2 DR G W SHORES HORES FAMILY REMEDIES dr G W shores complete catarrh cure buth both local anil and Ini internal enal positively cures asthma hay I 1 ever ur or any complicated of if i me lie nose ili rant tuie or lungs full size trial aiza ur dr 0 V bli ionic ana blood purifier cleanses and purifies the bhoj gives sire nili and figur curfs and all dib diseases eases price 1 tl I err b boelle ni dr 0 W kidney and liver cure cures all diseases of the kidneys liver and il 1110 r arl prore 1 tl I r r nl de dr 0 W chores cough cure cures all couzis cou cis colds an and one dose will slop croup keep a in hc large sire bite bottles ur dr G 0 W shores saie sage 0 oil slops ahe worst pain in one minute for cramps or colic use ime it externally and internally ter ler eternally nally prevents and cure diphtheria it if used in t tune irtle kep a price a bolzle dr 0 vv V bores pipkin desirous InUs linal S and alla removes the litell round neat here th hey cy hath and awed it never falls price batile or dr U G W shores Winter wintergreen grcen salve cures all di diseases ea I 1 es of the llie skin removes red spots and ami ra pimples S from ahe face heals vid old sores in alos 3 to S days day price 1 sc box dr b U W shorts shores antl anti constipation pills pill cure cl ci ironic constipation sick headache and bilious attacks price a boelle it 11 bour cow co w 1 complicated complicate i write dr G W shores salt lake city wall utah for lits hi new ba sin list an baj ret get expert free these rem remedies edles prepared and by tf lle a D dr r G W beores co salt sail lake city chy utah fur for sale e and recommended by all druit druggists itkis and fic de i lra rg la in medicine or sent direct on receipt of price mckinion MCKIN xoN 0 q 1 i sola 11 S 3 PED X aj 1 3 R B R 0 S J I 1 dealers lit in general M merchandise merchandise ER CHANDISE bots B si jah hots bafs ast AND MEDICINES 5 paints oils and glass and ami everything 13 used on oil a ranch alarich our goods are as gool good as Js the lest best and our prices the lowest we pay the highest price for produce special attention given to mail orders brick store star slain main street randol ph utah M u CC K ltv R A az 1 L MU b ul DI EVANSTON i headquarters for ra 1 n c h atol Ol gT ul n 1 I ld AI A I p p top market price paid FOR V pm i J I 1 L I 1 j 0 o d in C V e 0 ar a cala AJ KR d S 0 pa 11 J 1 ss b libi a ei aftel I 1 li IS manufacture keep in stock a general assortment of lumber lath abill shingles les and pickets including clu ice Finis finishing bing r rustic T G flooring D beaded and V ceilia ceiling wo we make inake a specialty of IN Moul loul dings 1 of which we carry a full stock and large ID variety from froin 78 78 inch to 5 inch widths all kinds of scroll work aud add turning done to order newels porch posts and balusters Ba lusters kept in stock also panel doors of re regular ular sizes any size made to order fu robert bert price proprietor PATO mm WE WANT one hundred thousand feet of lo los logs 0 s at once sour SOUTH PH mill fit fai bt ulass shihi shingles 0 les ia 2 per thousand delivered in ill randolph W R south mgr egr randolph utah r ek tun eit 10 00 1 common lumber at mill L 1 fill 1000 per pei m delivered in randolph 1200 less le s than 1000 feet 50 cents extra lath at mill per in ill delivered in randolph these pricey prices for cash only QS 0 5 GERI mm aso w 44 wr TO stay by D daily except sunday leaves randolph utah at 5 a lit in arriving it at T evanston gaii wyo at 1030 10 30 leave evanston at 1 1 p in arriving arriving fr at randolph at G 3 30 fare 3 50 each way wa y is ia the route to the alio railroad raili oad A lu halo hale mgr E UINTAH HOTEL I 1 vanston van wyo lr 0 3 meat NC t and comfortable m rooms oms good home cooking no China menon on prem j aises try tile uintah hen you ure are in evanston anil you will receive roc civi the best 0 of C lachapelle prop T THE TYSON HOUSE utah atall oldest and best hotel in town rates Reas reasonable hay grain at and stabling in connection cut on to guests MRS S TYSON prop |