Show the volunteer army has reached the point where the stability and success of the sow new org organization seem assured the partial details of its growth in this time were given to the public in a special united rally of the forces ot of the northwest and the statement then made by col fielding the head of the western contingent must be gratifying to the hosts of friends of the plucky little band when the new movement was started as an independent and strictly american body the headquarters in III chicago consisted of a small room one chair and one table all donated now it is announced that ne negotiations 0 o tiati ons practically have bare been completed by which the volunteers will obtain possession of a building on state street consisting of twenty six living rooms and a fitting equipment and besides this two city lots valued at have been presented to the army by alss julia daly this material prosperity has complemented a rapid and large numerical growth for col ilela fielding ln reports leports that the army now includes nearly 2000 members scattered among posts of which forty seven are 1 in the northwest in illinois alone there are twenty five fire organized posts and commissioned off officers leers in new york the army has a fine buli building aln on union square from indich it publishes ltd its weekly and monthly literature the striking feature of this conspicuous success Is that it does not appear to have been achieved at the expense of the parent organization A few of the leaders who acre ere closely allied with ballington booth are known to have left the salvation arm army y with him but in III most of the cases the recruits have come from the outside there seems no doubt there Is room for both armies and perhaps the rule of competition that Is so effective in business may have similar results in these religious associations and stimulate each to greater endeavor and bring to each I 1 a richer harvest than it would have bare enjoyed alone |