Show it sho should u d be a source of general rejoicing that near the town of hudson mo some enterprising people whose names dames have been discreetly withhold withheld have in a moment of leisure discovered the largest cave in the world the report asserts that even if halt half of nhat hat lias has been told of it la 14 true it Is the lar largest isi cave so there Is no reason to doubt the accuracy of the but the abe cave care Is remarkable not only in size but in interior decorations decoration for the faithful chronicler of the phenomenon declares that cavern after cavern Is lined with pure onyx and that there huge hug ge stalactites of nearly pure gold aside from the material r value line of the ibe discovery it is probable it will have an important bearing on the solution ot of the problem in the state no object lesson could be more convincing than a generous distribution of 0 these golden stalactites anti and perhaps a slab of onyx onys or two could be included as a 1 gift to every tourist the acci discovery of the largest cave in tile the world Is tin an episode that any stale stae should be proud of but when it Is found to be full of gold and onyx is as well the affair rises to proportions are arc magnificent even for missouri I 1 more details will vill bo be a awaited w 1 ite I 1 with antor ost est it if the correspondent happel to continue lu in a condition that will on en ible him to sustain his narrative at the present high pitch of interest |