Show for a pretty decoration at a bummer wedding when the ceremony is performed at home doll dell bayless offers the tha following suggestion in the ladies home journal take a tennis not fish net or hammock that may maybe be cut the desired size and fasten it to the rings of a curtain pole looping it twice and then allowing it to fall to the ground then weave white flowers in and out I 1 the meshes taking form ferns or delicately cut foliage foliage for for a fringed border being careful not to give too solid an appearance au and cover looping cords with a rope of flowers white narcissus lilacs and honeysuckle with white clover ropes may be used but any flowers in semon season may be utilized dai daisies spires spi reas apple or plum plain blossoms roses chrysanthemums anything white but bat if preferred pink blue or yellow for a border or entire drapery would be very dainty asparagus vine vide works in beautifully tor for a green agreen background |