Show I 1 military prida I 1 looked at from froin a soldierly point ot of view tle the follow in little anecdote of c the battle ot of alma Is worth quoting from sir jolin john dyes recollect loDS of 0 I 1 a military life I the ille battle ended enil I 1 about i 4 oc lck fu the he afternoon tile I 1 11 cl 11 p lielas ell pitched near r lent rot I 1 the river add lord raglan then lu in search of his orderly ot licer ll 11 aut I 1 I 1 tom leslie and with tit the help of SO sou ina with 1 1 I stretcher hrobot i asked I 1 him to ills teut lent lord raglan rue me writes sir ir john if I 1 knew tom toil mother and on my illy arl in the 1 i i negative lie he sald A cli IV oman I 1 I 1 I 1 must write to her how proud ilk I 1 t ills his wll wit shoulder be to hoar hear that he be has a 11 bullet |