Show HERO OP OF THE HALL BEDROOM when I 1 told my illy wife about it she exclaimed liow how utterly absurd why I 1 think you should have understood him all along I 1 mrs Dock boy said 1 I sev seve seval nl irli how bow was I 1 to believe all his storis his tales of prowess in matters of lov p in feats of strength perhaps he did knock out the champion cham plon middleweight perhaps he was mas th greatest halfback that ever played on the cad university eleven perhaps be did leave the west on account of tin fit importunities of throe three beautiful mill lonal reses but even eten lieutenant swash doubted the story of his capture by apaches and ills subsequent release rel case by tile the chiefs daughter swash retorted my wife why do you always quote bote that horrid old thing I 1 think that ile he Is 19 himself inclined to exaggeration at times whether unconsciously or otherwise I 1 cannot judge I 1 do riot not take my cifes view of the matter nt at all and I 1 cannot ese vi by the lieutenant and myself should ila lae e acted acred otherwise than we did we were talking of filkins filkins who occupied the fourth floor roar rear hall ball be bedroom drouin in ili my illy old boarding house lit it locating the man I 1 have do described bribed him for that particular room in every boarding house la 19 inhabited experience ence has taught me by a peculiar zen cei lus lua mon men of culture lint but on their uppers tippers men AN whose hose long lone lines lilies of distin ancestors have hae bequeathed to ti them some quarts of little blue blood lint but nothing with which to keep it in arcu lotion and tin an inherent idea thit that it ought to keep moving itself without their descending to plebeian labor to 0 o supply the motive power just such 1 I 1 person was Fl IkIns ills clean cut features his easy ni manners anners ills his polite bearing supported by ills pretension to family when preparatory to going out after dinner lie he donned the evening clothes of the medical student indent who occupied the second floor front and you sat saw lint riot not a hair of ills his head or mustache out of place not a wrinkle or a speck anyN anywhere liere you instinctively felt that he was a gentleman born and if perchance lie was off to that swell little affair at mrs van foams that the papers have been talking so much of and needed a quarter for car fare ills his father having forgotten to send him his check for the he month it was vas willingly given for he was vas a capital fellow lie ile drew on us occasionally sio filo nally but we ac regarded that as only a slight compensation for his company lieutenant swash came into my room early one evening as filkins and I 1 were discussing things in general over our pipes and announced that he bad three tickets for a series of boxing bouts at the olympic athletic club there will be some bruising he cried enthusiastically and it will be worth seeing ANN awfully fully sorry old man but I 1 cant go replied filkins there Is a certain man in new york who has hag been searching high and low for me for three weeks hell blell be there I 1 know for he be has been going to the bow bowdon bowwows voN H and spends all hit his time about such places im not afraid of him but I 1 deem it more discreet for a intile to avoid him your tallor tailor ventured the lieutenant dear me no replied filkins with great grea t good humor lie ile seemed to enjoy the joke would that he NN was as rind I 1 was wearing a respectable looking cause for him to pursue me but I 1 am not so lucky now see here Fl IkIns youre got to come I 1 said to tell the truth it would be awfully embarrassing for me to meet that fellow he replied be surprised if id tell you who he be Is everyone has heard beard of him rich great swell swash looked at me and winked one of his knowing winks then turning to filkins lie he asked well what does docs be want with you A woman at tile the bottom of the whole thing replied our companion barut I 1 fled bed be surprised if you knew who she was great belle riles piles of money in her ova name I 1 met her it 11 i dance three weeks ago she ile brola broke ot off tile the engagement anil and since then lie he lias has boon been going to the bowwows U i perfect madman the hie tellers fellers say and bild lie he has sworn to break my head on sight arid and why should lie bother you sneered swash sitting don on the edge of the bed a most contempt look on ills his face plains smiled and softly puffed up tip his pipe wily why should lie bother about youl you repeated the lieutenant more emphatically indeed I 1 dont know was avas the quiet reply 1 I never dover spoke to her more anore than three times 11 lie ile was waa s silent ilent for a moment then lie laughed and by jove do you know she sent nic 1110 a note the other day that cost me a quarter forgot to pay the messenger never mind your certain man come on cried the lieutenant rising buttoning his cont coat and drawing on his gloves sighed knocked the ashes put pill of ills pipe and arose very well if you insist lie he salt said but I 1 know there will N III be trouble lint and I 1 am very rusty with my fists now I 1 would not care if I 1 was like what I 1 was A w hen I 1 I hurry lurry were late interrupted swash and as aa we were filing down the stairs be whispered A million to one we dont see the certain man 1 I would be a fool to take you up I 1 replied softly when we readied reached the gymnasium or of the olympic club tile the first bout was over several hundred well meu generally in their shirt sleeps slee Nes es were seated on low benches about the ring till all smoking so vigorously that ft a thick haze hay filled the room and from where we stood we vie could hardly distinguish tile he faces of the two muscular fellos felloes who were seated in their respective corners there are three seats up front lets get there said the lie lieutenant indicating the place with his cane hung back id rather not lie he said ill not be noticed here rot roll exclaimed the other seizing ills his arm and literally dragging him through the crowd until at lell length alth we were comfortably fixed in the front row I 1 could see everything then and even heard the low tones of the referee as he arose and announced between harry donohue of boston and kid williams of new york then with anith a nonchalant wave of the liand hand toward the right hand corner doia line toward the left WIl williams ilams donahue and williams were wera two very respectable looking young men with clear pink faces and splendid chests and muscles nin seles swash said that the latter was aas a middle weight ard fought too low tout of that I 1 knew nothing in fact I 1 thought it was ivas rather tame ily ay iy idea of prize fights had been drawn from comic and religious papers but lit in these two active athletic young men luen who nabo shook hands and then began begaii to jump lithely alinur the ring beating the air and at times striking each other with their gloved hands I 1 did not see a 1 I realization of my illy sanguine imaginings to lie sure fit the itile lIC second COULl round williams lauded vil on oil Dono hues nose causing it to bleed profusely and received lit in I 1 luin uni an upper cut on the chin which from the crowd about us cries of good it un al now another yer yep sot got ini im all h bishaw the kids too slow jest see the chances he lies iles ll 11 tuo too low tile affair was getting more inter esting williams gave his opponent a 1 budy body blow that sent him reeling ag against ainest the ropes at one side but tile lie lad regained himself liim self in ili nil all iii tant rind dealt the lie new yorker such mich it dent one on oil the cheek that the fhe man began to st stagger stupidly aloo about tit hold ing his hands out to protect ills his race face involuntarily I 1 halt half rote rose anil and cried 11 A k good un ull A sudden pull at my cont coat brought me back to my seat and filkins hia whispered his in my oar car there lie he Is what did I 1 tell you who said hald 1 I ruffled at the interruption the man mail that I 1 spoke of conic come let us its get out lie ile Is fill aliis way 11 swash heard him and se liui him lie he pulled him back into ili his seat sea lot lor lie he had made a motion to go leave at tills this point lie cried Il lkins youre a foul fool I 1 looked board the person al whom blodi bilkins had pointed out nod and although I 1 had never before seen him from a 11 series of pictures of noted society mer wl which tell a 1 certain CC paper had published 1 knew him to be archibald van peyster yes filkins I 1 suld sidd youre a fool call me what ou oil chloie cho oie lie he retorted but mark my words there theio wll jil lie be trouble if we stay time lias has awen called and 1 I at least had better go Non nonsense setie laughed swash well stand by you old man for I 1 propose to see this thing out be hot tile next round indeed it will said filkins grimly well hero here omes tile certain well kriol known 11 man I 1 chuckled for van per pays ter wits was moving around our way vay and a 11 d since filkins had bad so boldly de dechod clard himself I 1 determined to give lilan a few gentle thrusts the opportunity was so BO good 1 I see him lie he replied qui quietly elly swish swash began to laugh and used a rather strong expression but hardly was it out or of ills his mouth when I 1 heard a stronger 0 one lie and looking up saw archibald van nan peyster Icy stor right in front of us its glaring down at our companion there was a pause then he be deliberately raised his cobe cane and brought it down toward allkins Fl lkins Ikins head I 1 sprang from my place and put out my illy arru arm to arrest the blo blow v but was too quick tor for rue me ue caught it on his 11 I 1 I 1 I 1 left wrist and shot out is his cICI lebeI right hand landing neatly on oil his ga as 4 sal gallants lants chin ith such for force c its as to nin bent i liim him gro groping ping against the ring Plat forin 0 lit in an instant tile the place was in na mi up roan a dozen men sprung between alp 1 to new dew n hundred oth ra 1 gathered around us its filling the nir ath 1 their excited and cries inquiries a ns to 0 o vi hat had happened va van ali rcy were something terrible inflamed vw alth drink maddened with jealousy anol I 1 thirsting for levange for tile tho nish ment lie he had received he be struggle to free himself from the grasp of allo those who held him filkins ou on tile the other oliv band coolly explained the man Is drunk gentlemen conle one had better find and ills name and mi dress and send him home then the 11 a lower tone lie he whispered to me ine dont you ton think we had better go I 1 now 1 I think we had I 1 said and ta ith I 1 out another word swash and I 1 followed him out of the place and home hoille to tile the boarding house where lie bit bill us is goodnight good night and retired to liis foith floor conr roar rear liall boll beil bc room I 1 saw filkins Ii lkins the other day lie he waa aval I 1 it iving tom toward aid ill alie par paik k lit in i hand handsome I 1 I 1 vic victoria torla two neatly hi cried menoil men on lb ahr i lios box at ills his side sat hat a pretty girl 1 I 1 I 1 bad never before seen but knew from the pictures to have boon been tb great belle miss rally emily caruther Ca Car rusher lisher ali ami when I 1 told my wife about it she salil sali that I 1 ought to have known it nil albru 1 but I 1 judged him from his of other her stories I 1 ex postulated I 1 perhaps alicy wore were true too salil said she new york sun suit ai v I 1 |