Show crenin alry WILL WIN MN mr jandrt 11 II willis Io mirll kaii II lit in iticia county li Inter levied ly by A 1 reporter leporter of f tile the nebraska state allbe male inlo who alio have hazy ideas about tho of tile campa iril I 1 n lit in tile far l nill mill bi in and by a few remarks dwile to a Joti journal roal reporter yest erd ay liy by dalnes it II wallis walli in if aarn park idaho mr wallis was ms 1 I at one tittle time editor ot of tile 0 den cil utah coniing roni ing post anil and ly owner of abe provo utah daily dis patch pil cli lor for the last lal four years lie in lins has gilded B nil pil the editorial aci tiny of il the paris pans idaho Post which pallor lie founded fonn deil fit in 1892 lie ito i iq therefore fully acquainted with tile politics of tiles states I 1 a ami d gives alil inai le in ili iiii it intensely interesting I 1 lilt aso of western net ern ili bics tics I 1 tile the outlook for I 1 republican success Mirce qs sam sail air 11 r iralli alah al lh ia excellent ent till grows brighter every day california wash in inton ton biegon oleg oil lilio i anil and wyoming may now be set et down in the me mckinley McKin kinley loy VI column and when I 1 say thi pik I 1 10 lo do not dot div IV it til ill you as 1 1 I l all gs 0 I 1 rad the elec I 1 tin ion e el sixty days ago sill all of those would have konc I 1 rolle for y but there ling lin boon been i perfect revolution in ili litel 1 itchy v and dovith Il lother its e hica each cadi of 0 the tales tale I 1 ahle mentioned il will ili elac on oil i ber 3 it is ia too risk v to hazard a i guess floss oil 01 litah just et is as tile republicans have 11 it t yet lix fix od il till ill their from letters I 1 have received tile pat eek from of tile bbate ail ato committee commit tea I 1 should siy say that changes mav luay occur within the next tun tell dis iliah that will as luni li tho wio think the AIcKin ley elector now in tie fill there ni will ill pull it but b fit a nery ery per ier cent of the votes vote lint but the alic electors be defeated tie the argil itell iture will lie joe alfe ito so that in all cants a i good ninn mail will go to tile senate zellator pir ilor drum ri uMi jolin john 0 graham Gril iain alad ollar th lA baling ling I 1 ire ira in anak 1 k iii i 0 gallant fi eulif dit enere for harmony harm mid anil viv victory tory mr r wallis via a nt at one time lime ini ing attorney in ill the tint c inin iua district in utah and ami it iq now a member of the idilio idaho lar bar lie ile is a 1 ull leer of the edth i nation Q 1 gneids and is a member of of governor no vernor McCon mcconnells nells waff lie is an intelligent young youn mm imn m m and nd an all entertain entertaining in ile will enter the senior clas of fit the colli I 1 go ge of if law of 0 the university ot ol ni Ku braska flinn lie ile NN will ill un gafin tic ito etli bauh liili honors lio nors |