Show letter Fro aur 1 eginar I W oft oct 2 isa i mr bryana find g discoursing in in tile situation situ atkin on the ho gontran rOn tran alv they alave ilave excellent rea olja for believing that mr bryans ll ryans chance for alet tion lire are better than those of mr the rea on 4 arf are nul not 1 cn I tin iiri lv atrel ti isel upon mado tu to tile managers man cianni auers era of mr Pir It vins vatis ati is no doubt of it the I 1 I 1 illo of re recurt purt as nu n U I 1 rode those demo rats rati lie ine careful not to allow ienir dietr N ches to tn bedonie lic conie tangled ill air vit it ibar have been making a study of tho figures put out bv iby ilia mure inure conservative of mckinley binl have thereby their belief lit in pr vait 1 sues success alie I 1 he LI test of if theo llie 0 o tables ap appeared pearld artl on oil tit tin editorial lii of tile fust which is tor for gobl it 11 gaie gich I 1 aryan ryan 20 electoral note oto mckirley 10 and put iab in the doubtful col rulin ninn nii tu to acce accept it lit ilia t ible ai ac correen N i to lie bo sure that arvall will joe v elette 1 lis as tin the cler clee tord loril sl ei l as doubt fill of bryan j must get 19 to lil bo elected and 11 mckinley must get sl 84 ale made li of cf tile alie following illinois california Marvla nl Ici wac west virginia ii nii minnesota michigan wi aidi lit 1 lowa iowa it I 1 is i very i conservative to say sav that bisatt will certainly caira aliv more than rive five out of thee ten tell lils lil s which him libin votes 0 0 o jiin it if tile the test lost of the llie bablo is all right rih lit awl ami there I 1 is no ito doubt about that rs is mith aith the except exception iolli of indiana liu liina and kl ka it only includes in the lie bevan states haat a hicl aro are Lonce led to tit tilvan by ih clr republican lion AV W F I 1 chilton Chilt nn secretary Secret arv of state jr for avest viginia ani va as one oil of t the ho party which callie ci iiii it 10 wast ii 11 atoll to ccora e cart mr while ill ton tim mr billhi bill mi nill faid 1 I till am not afraid of L tn lio io tit in wf wet t Vir virginia rillia and lile ili 11 livi tifton lit in tint thit I 1 aynn kiil il go n Is i fall ett wr koplo jr iri plu ire are sti foi 1 I 1 1 to or anil many its have lie ile ll if boak linin limo the binks the palmer I 1 anil and buckner ticket will not imal ill h of if a eife ahe 1 lie lirlin 3 it irr fhe strenuous ef frt art lot MCK mckillick Mclvin illICY loy awl tile luo allegations of vo ol of rai railey liy vant bots ire arc strictly tint fiur till there is al all a so a 1 l I 1 each ion am ciul I 1 a 1 l fuk ling of reent ment in ili tile the of ilia nien men who ire art thus lills cot aced that hat will result in ill c til in it 11 t lit lit to u we or lii other i G i 11 ll 11 IV J 1 AL l C mr lir t NV VI va who was vis ili Valti valtimore moro ath mr li an ami lilt ciollo lr IAIN i isil d il WaShing tOll tins mark kiil of 1 flolla binl I 1 a I if ilear v e brin bran iii in till city nf lit thit that vati 1111 lills ilig in VIN vi of tile tone ili ii its holting bulling drw lalk fall Mclin loys krcal reat majority ill tile lie MalVIA M 1111 is ia all s ti ili anake alip cleel ion chinis anil and poli l a ils fiefe to bhat lin ito told mr bryan arrin artil the other aiho 1 I 1 in tile I 1 lip conference cont li il in new buik citi cit thita alln mr larsin should loave the electoral vote of man in 1 ile said tit tit it lie considene I tit that at tile still iiii in an even chance t ti bohi in tile influence tiit N ere ieru ballig um il 41 buen bailly failly good front tile lie beginning of nf tile 7 liis has greidy increased onee tile lie in anew ew york till in ili ty by bryan sewall Chair chairman mau jun juais Jui is senator alid annj other leaders at al that avei y aspect apeci of tile the was carai ully the delab I 1 i anil a mali an that mr bryan waa snaking lii itkin ii a great campa igil and that some thing not ilot now HOW expected expect dl occur tu change tile ilia drift erht ui of public ini sentiment ait in lavur ui of tile the free coinage lit kiler lie 1 I 1 Mill ll be th a oi 01 flet i corll 01 al vu take long lent lor for this iott to earval 1 finona tile tile III and ault liis has been n I 1 liti uril tural lit in democratic condid licu winch which cannot aall to make inake itself IOU lit in tile bic nork mirk oc ilia ili campaign senator 1 faulkner lias 1118 been 9 abing horii vury very cheering news tins this icek from all around but bill that nuiell liichi lii cli pleaded lle ate aho ot liis ba colt robit michigan hicl ligan I 1 nia buwa luu i anil and M hicls tire lire claici lit cil by cotou and put ul in ili tile thy IOU taul lo ly others according vio to si senater Faulk ners s advises advices s of still lie be carried b by y McKin bv the denio crattie alite of igei report ort that eliat state blate ga c for bryan aint gr nei e tile figurea to back ul hii tile taif clini r ports hum Cali california forini say t eliat tat it la Is now only a quest on of it the si w Z 0 tut tile majority bran nill mill tet pet ui ol that state lotta 1011 1 is hosae HO sate lir fill bryan that iti slump arc being trent into other ottati tat so 6 and acl a poll of kan kansas sas give givel bryin the edi bs |