Show bat S s v t 16 W won AV ft aft A J 1 darful exclaimed a druggist how bow the people i r to sarsaparilla they all want 13 0 y I 1 1 d ab 0 40 nimba y sarsaparilla belt t the tbt one true blood ru druggists all L cl elk hoods pills rare re all 11 II liver 1 ni ills 25 cents ibis abat ail YOU have you a feeling of la in the stomach bloating 4 qt belch vomiting of food water brash heartburn bad taste in the J mouth to la the moro mere ing palpitation vf of the flue te lon of stomach Storn j Cock Coolter ered ed mouth gas to la the bowels 1 loss lon of tiesh hesh j fickle appetite depressed condition of the J 1 Con constin j or then you have DYSPEPSIA A to 11 out one of ili bady rennoy forms forma the oae po eltIve cure 1 for complaint compla lot I 1 13 dyspepsia tablets by mail prepaid pre paid 00 receipt of 25 cents cent lunett 1 1 at ne new york babi 1 I Bull ired rl bibly from froin dyspepsia but adlor cured nic me f j ACKER MEDICINE CO 16 0 ais 18 Chac abers st ny y SURE CURE POR PILES 1 add 01 11 uewl ad ut alx or pit alln julda 1 I to SR 5 SAM N koa 0 8 PILE REMEDY f pe ci orbi A cur lair lp ir bt fr M frue 0 Wt awa jmj ph rv DEAFNESS CANNOT HE BE CURED by local applications an 1 they e cannot a 1 11 0 t reach the dl aae d p portion of 0 the ale ear eyt there h e 1 ia only ono one we way y to cur cure c de ean and that thai la in by constitutional 1 remedies me die iane Deai nesa Is ruca U d by au aai inflamed condition ol of th mucous lining bick of Ens eustachian Kusta chlan tube when thle this tube lube gels inflamed you have hate a rumbling bound 0 of imperfect hearing and when it to lii entirely closed deaf ae alues iless is ID the result and unless the con can be taken out and this hit tube restored to lt it normal condition hear ilig will w III bo be deti troyed forever orcier ver nine cases out of ten en ore bra caused by catarrh which la Is nothing but au an inflamed condit condition lon ol of the mucous surfaces we will give one hundred dollars for any esseff case ot Dea deafness friess balls caused byea by catarrh that can not be cured by halls catarrh cure bend lor for circulars circular tree free F J CHENEY CO toledo 0 sold by dru druggists halls fact family 1 y rills nils are the bet best cure for consumption has saved me large doctor cortor hills 0 L baker baiter regent esq sq philadelphia pa dec 8 95 SCHOOL fol BOYS will commence its sixth year august fth it la is a first olasa class home school and prepares boys for admission to any acty or technical school or for active business full information and catalogue can be had bv ad addressing dressin IRA IHA G H HOITT TT PH D CAL FITS FIT SAll all flu fits stop stopped peI tree free by dr kline great nerve restorer no lit t day days lause use marvelous Marv PUrve flous lons cures treatise and fi 2 00 trial ottle bottle tree free to fit canen cames bend to dr kline arch st philadelphia pa lor for breakfast BOMB BUILT IS IN A DA neither e jve h e r are athe HIB obstinate Ina ladles to tits nn m 0 1 0 ol 01 whuell the gi eat corrective hostetter a ato atonia nih bitters la is adapted mutable in ail hour to persist I 1 i the mo ilse of this standard remedy li IN nomore no more ilion ihn lint baillou sue conti const tation malaria rheumatism kidney comp aln a an dd are among tle complaints which it eradicates IM arm foj arof vr a wa makes a ap ol 01 roii hy i M K out doub treated pit S ed ad more cases than nt living physician hi h als success i is astonishing wo we ha have a heard bearil 0 of cau of 0 20 20 years ears standing cured by him publishes tu anish I 1 es H is Va kumble abla d work on U C this b he tend send disease with wi th a of his ble laro large botus bottle absolute cure free to any ivalo naom may send end their P 0 arid and express address ad dresa W 0 adare d any one on wishing a cure to 0 o address r of B P darst blackwells I 1 WANT DIAC AND NO OTHER GENUINE SEE DURHAM you will find one coupon inside each two ounce bag and two coupons inside each four ounce bag of black wells durham buy a bag of this celebrated and read the coupon which given a list of able pres onto and how to got them prof babcock y says P well we known chemist 1 I find that walter baker co cos s breakfast cocoa is ii absolutely pure it contains no trace of any substance foreign to the pure roasted cocoa bean the color is that of pure cocoa the flavor is natural and not artificial and the product is is in in every particular such as must have been produced from the pure cocoa bean without the addition of any chemical alkali acid or artificial flavoring substance which are to be detected in cocoas coccas prepared by the so called dutch process walter baker co ltd dorchester M mass takes the cake M W PLU you may have money to bum but bvm so you th away for 10 cats you get almost twice as much babe it as you do of odier bagh gaides for the same money the remark able and ana certain yc ate fc T kr at it relief ellef very oven riven woman by 1100 MOORES RES REVEALED REMEDY has given it the name of woman homana a friend it is is r lt uniformly successful in rell relieving leving the backaches headaches IF II 11 0 C aji IRO and d weakness which burden and shorten a comans womans life thousands ot of women testify lor for it it will give health and strength vy T T and taake life a pleasure for sale by all d druggists ts Y r DET J i J BLUMAUER FRANK DRUG CO PORTLAND agents eighteen american women lear bear the AGENTS ladle 1 or r title of princess in italy and russia in every town tow downor nor for one oneff of the best beet selling articles find and other continental countries roade made used by every man woman and nu khua with VT fredericks id alb sanitary tooth brush bruh 1 tongue MRS WIN SLOWS so so THING dent eudore endorsed lots BM send by all the for leading leading olamp A Retail ator and nd and M WILL FINK CO FOR bla 8 20 market street san erratic I 1 cal FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK or 66 jutt U dont ont fl feel well 10 wilt RE lyt eLIVER MI ER PILLS Is best in cough tima byr sold LIP I 1 lea U as ara ali he one on tour tongs weed magri only ono on for a DOBO doa bola ba at box adiar 1 eko art 4 go co ph r ra F N P F N U NO ho S F N U no |