Show marketing asparagus when gathered asparagus shoots should be assorted and made of as nearly a uniform length as possible and made into bunches of one or two pounds each the usual method Is to make the tops even and cut the butts even asparagus may be kept fresh several days by immersing the bottom of the he shoots in one or two t wo inches of water in a cool place c for transportation to in market arset shallow boxes a little deeper than the bunch are best the bundles should be tightly packed into such boxes to keep them from belu being bru bruised iseI or otherwise injured the as buncher illustrated above Is a tyle in common use the rear part slides over I 1 I 1 T I 1 ai alj i ASPARAGUS the tour four light cross crosspieces pieces and is mide made of hard wood it can thus lie be easily ca silv regulated to suit atilt any length of 0 gus stalks lay rallia or twine across the buncher and place the tip of the stalks against the end board whon ho be buncher Is filled the asparagus a t acs ics n tied |