Show GARDEN GAEDEN CITY GLEANINGS prof geo T philips passed through here last thursday to paris harvesting has haa commenced in earnest most of the winter wheat is cut spring grain is ripening fast ur mr joseph quinney mrs joseph joaeph wilson miss theurer the thorpe boys boya and a number of 0 other logan copla were camp camped edat at the grove sunday early last friday morning when ail was quiet and a cool balmy breeze was pervading the air a stranger utterly unknown in these parts entered the domicile of our fellow townsman J ustice justice geo hall and after a few preliminary words of introduction demanded lodgings for au indefinite period which was granted by the hospitable members of the family its a ten pound babyboy baby boy and geo says the first word apken cp ken by the newcomer new comer was bryan 11 mother lother an I 1 child doing well your treat bro hall the stream of tourists and excursion ests continues unabated and cooks grove is every day a scene of 01 activity and bustle saturday and sunday the tha rev kev R P boyd and family in addition addition to a number of others N aho ho were on tho the roa roal I to salt sail lake city camped on tile the shore of the lakeland lake and report livin living an enjoyable time all day sun lay jay mr royd itoye was busy distributing tracts among tile the people some of which are arc intended to embitter tile tho feelings of tile people against the mormon 1 aith ha claiming to have the priesthood and apostleship of christ in liis his church but the rev gentleman know ere this thia that it will avail him nothing to distri but such literature among the tried aried and true lat latar er day they departed for salt lake city via logan canyon this monday mo ruing FAIRY |