Show lack of appreciation casey becoming wealthy invited corne pt pi his old friends in fix to dinner jatter after dinner lanner ll casey passed wound around the cigars they wore were big tat fat black capara cl para that cost hint him 40 cents each taking his clrar cigar bit about ahalt atit ot of it oft off and frazzled the other half in fighting ft man tuan man sodd casey what lare alther doln doin V t that seegar tl a fine seegar it a flue fine seegar alegar havo i ye Is no appreciation ot of a on alne seegar aee gaj 11 th isa Is replied bilogan 0 as aa he chewed oft another inch of his cigar ive been it a colpe so 0 o long I 1 cant tell th difference betwixt a flye ana 1 au a tin pittsburg PU Pit tele alaph |