Show UTAH STATE N NEWS clarence ernst colored on trial at ogdan n for the murder of another colored man charlei staples was acquitted by a jury A series of conferences conferee between or of adas of the salt bait lake route aro are ue be jut jn held in salt lake city looking to tye tle reconstruction of that road adney dibble an old resident of ville was found lead dead lu ili his bod bad by the family sunday morning cje was 78 years old and was among tto AO first settlers nt at login logan six ruen men became involved in tile red light district in park city knives being used and four of the tha participants being badly slashed all of the men were placed under arrest large receipts of coal front from tho the wyoming and the utah mines in the last two days dais have relieved the tha coal js At nation in n salt lake to fo the he extent of averting what looked like a famine I 1 an appropriation of for the general repair of the union pacific adlet at the ogden depot lias bits been ap prayed by general manager W 11 bancroft Man bancroft croft and work will bo be begun at flu att early date alexander crawford the telephone I 1 krit aman who was waa hurt in a runaway an n salt lake city had his right leg amputated last week hla his left leg was bruised b but t the burgeons Bur grons managed to save it mrs mary palley campbell 84 sears of age a pioneer of utah anti and aldow wadow of robert hobert campbell for twin ay iy y years acara city recorder in salt lake 10 at her residence in salt 5 alt alro alce city ot of general beneral debility the kane county commercial club I 1 la Is only one year old but has forty bembers ta the b certificate issued for ate v if f the five dollar meni ix yee tee la Is a 11 key to the club rooms the e oktor ks oboist kane kana county i the park earlc city light arid rower power company oin lb Is busy installing the now cyst stein em under the franchise granted theol by the city council party parly in deice cb niber riber when comp completed feted park city have sin an up to late date lighting ya h TO 11 00 1 ago WWI 6 1 ill of 0 tt ogg I 1 ora of have iu i on fool i n plan nto establish a local var warehouse chouse aher foodstuffs sufficient to meet all emergencies can beikert pt ready for to transportation to restituta desti tuta fl flocks 0 ck 0 after a tb rilling experience in which he su attained talked several broken ribs in a on oil observatory peak oeo aeo lorn of Hunt sOlle was able to leave the ogden bos hospital a few days ugo ago lorn wa ivas on his way to ilia hla a mining ning claim when he ha was caught lit in the sno stio I 1 the laying of feet of additional gag ga mains in the ogden depot and railway yards y ards has given rise to the report that within a short time the company will begin the erection of a mammoth gas plant which will furnish all of the LILS needed by the liar ilar riman system of railroads threatening sudden death unless he be c pases ceases his prosecution of william howell who run ran over and killed parker faut in an anto automobile mobile in ogden january 1 three anonymous letters have been received by judge 11 II M 11 henderson of ogden in the last few ds it Is believed the letters were written by a n crank at the utah state Wool growers association meeting in salt lake city the old officers were reelected re elected among the resolutions adopted was wan one declaring for a western man for chief form forester ter for the destruction of the coyote and for uniformity of boun ty laws the utah wool ink men do not desire a creange in tile the wool tariff at a meeting of the executive committee of th the salt I ake good roads association in the ofelea of governor spry the program for the good roads roada convention e antion to be held in salt lake city january 26 27 and 28 was waa formulated inu mu the salt lake real estate balate tion ion which had ordered advertisements published in eastern anil and foreign journals announcing that skilled tabor laborers erR were needed in salt lake city have countermanded their or lers jers having discovered the 1 I lou on la Is in danger of encroaching on the law which forbids Import importation important at on of foreign labor determined to rid the city of on an undesirable Jeal rable female element known in he vernacular of the th police a as 11 dips ir pickpockets pick pockets salt lakes chief of police haa issued orders ordera to the detec altes and police force to arrest all women found accosting men on the streets of the city joseph haley arrested in salt lake city as a deserter dea erter front from the army has been identified as an the highwayman who held up and robbed a cafe on fain street on the morning of decem mpr 20 when lie he made his escape by anning the gauntlet of 0 revolver fire from nearly a dozen policemen wild cheering and applause followed the announcement before tho the convention of district foresters at ogden iden that president Preal dent taft had appointed henry S Graves thead of the yale school of forestry to euclid gifford clifford PInc pinchot bot |