Show 1 5 1 M i i H ii M fr 14 l 3 LOCAL NEWS t J S i ia i S M M mi H lantern globes at af lite ike smiths loc ste see our inducements to tn now ilow and bald in l it advance elsewhere spencer diw barq 4 co will conic come out with full page of bargains next nest ate fo rAllen it lu th abla its piper paper quite n number of pur our best citizens are planning to take in ohp conference tomorrow omo irow und sunday ilat bat lip been abeen tollis to ills home this week with what beens to be neural neuralgia gla lit in till ail d what about it il I 1 gallon glasa lass tin till vereil covered oil can cad for at ike i initha store aloy noys penter cr left tor paris the nr fir it of the week where cicro at tile the Fl fielding foelding academy hovell take the missionary A alive live paper ita live town Is the sta on the of the etick county new at randolph utah A glatice glance tit at th the paged of the news fully verifies ical fie B this weste vie item rii aubil sher monday george barker by aiesi ettflla yeston weston left for logan where be will attend the f funeral of his hii father durold friend john woolsey arrived last lait night frum front kaysville Kay Kays aville ville lie will take up th alie work at the creamery at least until mr air DIcKin tion recovers recovery rec overa from froin his recent illness allne H R S DIcKin dickinson pon jolin john hand 11 and albert weston left vitt stage ahli morning for points lit weber and box elder counties Count iea where they will sunie the role of insurance writer tere lit in their class clas there aro are no better than the farm farin journal or mccalls Mc Alc Calls Vl agazine lne we ninko thern them as ai presenta enta to new or bald ln iii advance subscribers as our ad elsewhere shows s malcein SIc Kinnon a of the pedagogical rod at almy phoned to tt some if ali people hero that monday morning lit in became the fattier father of a la iu by boy I 1 1 misunderstood affrin it 11 be I 1 our duty to cough up till an apol oure speech right here and unto there who took a local we 0 o sandwiched in list week for spice as ag a personal attach when notie was waa intended hail had we ve it for any one person living ar or davi da dal vi right hero hern we anilo say aay tile the te tel I 1 eplin it aitery wa wat 0 t ir r ti to tid d A but i louiie appes Ap plesa ii few more boxes for ike Sinith li applen are bot inden fit elther her wo we arii aro bound to have a paid aplist up list see our to 10 subscribers elsewhere theodore theodora Hildin and nd wife of garden city have beai visiting the hitters hattem relatives ites hero here and at argyle lately lamps with clinch collars not plaster t er con fan liv be had for 60 coc and at ike smiths dr wings team went to evanston Ea thursday 1 to meet mrs a ister elster s to komrs mrs wing who la Is conting coming broin on oil account of her sisters illness lilacs she la Is expected in tonight john F a successful butilier u at monday tit ilk town attending to some fu business mid and vitting hla his old home and relatives Lake laketown town hits has a new hotel now safe ly thompson ii proprietor and our knowledge knowl edigo of him 11 ceist 4 us to lere here state that george will make good note hla his new ad els else tt vilere liere harry who lioa has heen been running the pool hall has atilt the stand int anil in 14 succeeded by clarence Clart and matt kennedy aj n leavorn leabon m with air clarence Chireno ic kennedy lu lit charge of tile the business jos JOM dean of woodruff wai a caller at tile NEWS tuesday ell enlisting Illg thereat ad one of its permanent subscribers mer bers ibers mr air dean was recently oper opel buted ou on for a cancer under mider his lower ower lip and while lie ho entertains fear that H portion of the tha roote remain la id feeling feegh pretty well veil jie he wits mas a guest of lilt 01 old 19 d friend walter norna 1 mrs dr wing has been quite sick the past week with what chatis ia said enid to le im etoni aCh trouble her condition became so alarming to her that on oil wednesday lie he called dr S soller her down from JK Evan vanston at that writing wr ling she Js is much improved aquilla the produce of idich bounty to be e entirely I 1 i too 00 oo valuable to feed poor or in inbred b red stock and I 1 Is endeavoring toatoa to stuck k ilia his lakes bore ranch with sonie of the best breeds alonda monday v with eight prize winning yearling lincoln ewes which u bach lindseen lind been shipped to hini him at evanston Ev angton quill passed thru town the are arc a wool and mutton tyland type an altho ulalio teurlings yearlings year lings the tilled a double aang agon box level when standing I 1 I 1 tin copper bottom wash bollers only dt at ike smiths fiand and Vv estock cot co this week clo cloned 1 one of tile the largest aal deals blat ever took place if in the county count the transfer erith raced tile chu chambers ranch down dur bear river co 2500 acres acre mid tho the deal id billil to have involved itis 11 la currently hinted that the chapman brothers are quietly working on a 91 gigantic gantic colonization fic scheme henle mid aud that tile the land will be used for this purpose pur evanston i Evany vun ton toi times rimes front from the U 8 geological survey today to day from froin K C we flota that nut of the GOO acres acm vf of land ind it in wyoming und idaho withdrawn front from entry pending ni 14 to its phosphate will be restored reH tuesday january found to colit aill it no phosphate W whatever alto that it a repart oil thlin work will jan published by the 1 cal survey during the present yr this report v mill ill cont contain aill limps of the district studied include the preuss sublette Bu bletto Ili inge crawford mountain woodruff creek arev k and dear aake districts file nial map will show allow tile the distribution of tile geologic format lonc alie geologic structure the topography ond and the broadi so BO fur far as tiley they have been jr tile the report will contain of the districts and ofton quality and of 0 the phosphate rock and will include an all e tn dimate of lite quantity ot of rok rock available for mining |