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Show tab- - CHICAGO MERCHANT --a guarantee kapk of 'I MAKES STATEMENT. A GOOD COUGH Simple COES YOBS WATCH KEEP TIME? Home-Mad- After Spending Thousands of Dollars M it and Consulting the Most Eminent check your time with our stand ard railroad olock, used by all tha railroad Physicians, He Was Desperate. oyatema in Utah. H it dooa not keep time, CHICAGO, ILLS. Mr. J. G. lot our rail road watoh exporta put It in order for you. We soli all standard lines at rail Becker, of i 34 Van Buren St., a dead watches. n wholesale dry goods dealer, states as follows: "I have had catarrh for more than thirty years. Have tried everything on earth and spent di, McCormick Families in Dispute Concerning Inventor. well-know- Cyrus H. McCormick, Not the Originator of Great Farm Machine, Saye Woman In Letter Son Saye He Wae. thousands of dollars for other medicines and with physicians, without getting any lasting re lief, and can say to you that I have found Peruna the only remedy that has cured me per- Chicago. The unveiling of the portrait of Cyrus H. McCormick in the Farmers Hall of Fame in Memorial hall of the College of Agriculture of the University of Illinois at Urbana aroused controversy as to whether the late inventor or his father, Robert McCormick, is entitled to the honor of having invented the reaper. Seemingly the controversy is being waged among different branches of the McCormick family itself. That the distinction ascribed by history to Cyrus H. McCormick was disputed, apparently within the family, came to the surface when a letter dated at New York and signed Katherine McCormick was printed on the editprial page of a Chicago newspaper published by one of the McCormicks. It asserted Robert McCormick invented the reaper. The claim of Cyrus H. McCormick is stanchly defended by his direct descendants in Chicago. At his residence, 50 East Huron street, Cyrus H. McCormick, son of The inventor of that name, and president of the International Harvester Company, scouted the suggestion contained in the letter of Katherine McCormick. The claim that Cyrus McCormuck did not Invent the reaper is too absurd to discuss, said Mr. McCormick. My father did invent the reaper, but it seems quite unnecessary for me to make such a statement, for it is an historical fact. Robert McCormick, his father, tried to Invent a reaper, but made a few experiments, failed. but they did not result in the producIt was tion of a practical machine. Cyrus McCormick who worked out the Idea." Mr. McCormick said he had read the manently. "Peruna has also cured my wife of catarrh. She always keeps it in the house for an attack of cold, which it invariably cures in a very short time." FVLLY WARRANTED $3 PER MONTH HER POINT OF VIEW. Freight paid to aoy Kailrokd station in Utah or Idaho. CUT OUT THIS Send in for Catalogue Sweet Maid true foundation ef larf crop. Oar bif Catalogue telle all about the beat aeeda that grew. Seed for Free Copy. Good seeds are lk You must remember that ours was a summer engagement. The Man That means, if you see anyone you like better, youll break It? VOGELER SEED CO.. Salt Lake City v A Dull 8cholar. The negro boy was up for the fifth lme on the charge of chicken stealing. This time the magistrate decided to appeal to the boys father. 'Now, see here, Abe," said he to the darky, thfs boy of yours has 'been up in oourt so many times for stealing chickens that Im tired of seeing him here. "Ah dont blame you, sah, returned the father. Ahs tired of seeing him here, too." Then why dont you teach him how to act? Show him the right way, and he wont be coming here. Ah has showed im de right way, sah, declared the old man, earnestly. "Ah has suttenly showed 1m de right way, but he somehow keeps gettin .caught cornin way wld dose chickens! Philadelphia Record. , Lack of Appreciation. Casey, becoming wealthy. Invited isome of hl old friends in to dinner. 'After dinner, Casey passed around the cigars. They were big, fat, black cigars, that cost him 40 cents each. Hogan, taking his cigar, bit about 'half of it off and frazzled the other ihalf In lighting ii. What Man, man," said Casey. lare yez afther doin t that seegar? 'Tis a fine seegar, a fine seegar. Have ye no appreciation of a fine seegar?" "Th trut Is," replied Hogan, as he chewed off another inch of his cigar, Ive been smokin a polpe so long I cant tell th difference betwixt a five an a tin. Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph- . Remedy That la e Free from Opiates and Sweet Maid Yes. The Man And if I see anyone I like better Sweet Maid I'll sue you for breach of promise. le Fight Against Plague Goes On. Although the survey of the past work shows years that much has been done, the reports from all parts of the country indicate that this year the amount of money to be expended, and the actual number of patients that will be treated will be more than double that of the past year. For instance, special appropriations have been made in the various municipalities for next years work, aggregating $3,976,-60In addition to these appropriations over $4,000,000 has been set aside by the different state legislatures for the campaign against tuberculosis this year. Besides these sums, a large number of the present existing institutions and associations are planning enlargements of their work, and new organizations are being formed dally. Harm- ful Drugs. t THIS ORGAN MIXTURE. An effective remedy that will usually break up a cold in twenty-fou- r hours, is easily made by mixing together In a large bottle two ounces of e of Virgin Oil Glycerine, a of Pine compound pure and eight ounces of pure Whisky. This mixture will cure any cough that Is curable, and is not expensive as it makes enough to last the average family an entire year. Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure Is prepared only in the laboratories of the Leach Chemical For Infanta and Childrens Tho Kind You llavo half-ounc- Co., Always Bought simitetingiheFoodandRegula-- Cincinnati, 0. iKtavtsTKh fij 1 T7" Not Narcotic P"rp, arotdOrSAlWElmIS Pbmpftt MxSotmm fttktU Softs dnu Sttd In fopptrmuU ffinm Std Clmrftod Sufaf Wmkrfrttm. flavor 0 Kind Lady It must be hard to find that you have inherited a taste for beefsteak. Sandy Pikes Yes, mum; especially when yer find dat yer havent inherited de beefsteak. There Is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last For a great lew years was supposed to be incurable. many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Halls Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. Jl Cbdiey A Co , Toledo, Ohio, is the only Constitutional eure on the market. It is taken Internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system They offer one hundred dollars for any case it falls to cure. Bend for circulars and testimonials. CO.. Toledo, Ohio. F J CHENEY Address Bold by Drugglsta, 75c. Take HaU s Family Pills for constipation. Do A n Facsimile ' s&T The Centaur wramm? if Guaranteed under the Foodij Exact Copy of Wrsppct. sternly. How am I to know' when you are angry? he asked. "I always stamp my feet, she answered. he said. There isnt "Impossible, room for a stamp on either of them! That fetched her. Lippincotts. OUR BIG CATALOG Gives you x e, Pettits Eye Salve for Over 100 Years has been used for congested and inflamed eyes, removes film or scum over the eyes. All druggists or How ard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. a Complete List of Just What You Need for your Planting. Your dealer handles our Seeds. Our CATALOG is FREE for the Asking. WRITE FOR IT AT ONCE TheBARTELDESSEEDCO. DENVER, COLO. The old proverbs depend largely on the point of view! For instance, you cant convince a mouse that a black cat brings good luck. s. mi To Produce Good Crops, you must have Good Seeds, Thoroughly Tested and Graded. Did you ever have a good, boys stomach ache? Of course you have. A little dose of Hamlins Wizard Oil will chaw away a colicky pain in the stomach like magic. l. ocirr.u. mspmt, GARDENS MAKE GOOD i your summer trip without insisting on telling you about his own. L vms He Was an Old Hand. not anger me!, she In Demand. He Was Shown. Hia Discovery. A Hiawatha man got on a crowded The swell son of the household had coach. Another man was holding a Just been initiated into the art of seat with two traveling grips. cleaning hia own teeth with the soft Td like to move those vallsee, little brush his mother had bought aid the Hiawatha man. him. I'd like to see you," said the hog. Hearing the baby cry lustily a few The Hiawatha man moved them. minutes later the mother ran into the Did you see me? he said. nursery, only to find the nursing bottle Yes, said the hog. on the floor and Johnny, toothbrush in i Is that all? asked the Hiawatha hand, leaning over the crib of the nan. screaming infant. , "Yes, thats all," replied the hog. Oh, muvver!" he cried, anxiously, Kansas City Journal. baby must have been horned wifout any toofs! A Baseball Fatality. A baseball enthusiast took his wife WHEN DINNER COMES to the ball game. That night the One Ought to Hava a Good Appetite. fan was awakened from his slumber by his better half shouting in A good appetite is the best sauce. "Kill the umpire! her dreams: It goes a long way toward helping in Half asleep he sprang out of bed, the digestive process, and that is absoand in doing so knocked over the lutely essential to health and strength. washstand. The crash awoke Mrs. Many persons have found that Grape-Nut- s food is not only nourishing but 1W Did you kill the umpire, John? she inquired. Is a great appetizer. Even children But like the taste of it and grow strong "No, replied John angrily. smashed the pitener." Success and rosy from its use. l&zine. It is especially the food to make a x weak stomach Btrong and create an Indispensable Qualification. appetite for dinner. Caller My uncle died yesterday, "I am 67 years old " writes a Tenn. I to want officiate at and the you ir, and have had a weak grandmother, funeral. Deacon Jones But I didnt know stomach from childhood. By great care as to my diet I enjoyed a reasonable him. of health, but never found any degree Good! Youre Just the man Caller as a thing to equal Grape-Nut- s I want. standby. Fight Talk Bottled. When I have no appetite for break"We dont hear any more about the fast and just eat to keep up my Balkan States scrapping. strength, 1 take 4 teaspoonfuls of "I understand the Balkan States Grape-Nut-s with good rich milk and have been officially notified that they when dinner comes I am hungry. will have to put up a forfeit before While if I go wlthouj any breakfast I more free advertising. getting anyCourier-Journanever fee! like eating dinner. Grape-Nut- s Louisville for breakfast seems to make a healthy appetite for dinner. He Found Out. My grandson had A beefy English officer, being seatbeen very sick with stomach trouble ed next to an elderly stranger at a during the past summer, and finally we dinner, leaned over and said: him on Grape-NutNow he is Who's that fat old hippopotamus put growing plump and welL When asked of a woman opposite? if he wants his nurse or Grape-NutThats my wife," was the reply. he brightens up and points to the said the officer, hastily. Thanks, He was no trouble to wean cupboard. I Thanks. Thats all wanted to at all thanks to Grape-NutHerd know. the little book, The Road to Well-villAnd he turned to his neighbor on in pkgs. Theres a Reason." the other side and whispered, with a Ever rrad the above letter t A ew chuckle: one appear from time to time. Thejr Got well out of that, I think, eh?" are aeoalae, tree, mad fall of hoinnn la terra t. Star. Thirty Years Company. NEW YORK. Thats a very popular man. Yes; hell listen to the details of letter signed Katherine McCormick and found its statements incorrect. Who is Katherine McCormick? he For Over Signature of Foot-Eas- Cyrus H. McCormick. Uso perfect Remedy forConstipa-tio, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsionr.Feverish-nes- s and LOSS OF SLEEP If You Are a Trifle Sensitive About the size of your shoes, many people wear smaller shoes byusing Allens the Antiseptic Powder to shake into the shoes. It cures Tiled, Swollen, Aching Feet and pres rest and comfort. Just the thing for breaking in new shoes. Sold every w here, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. After the Hunt. Provided with some trophies of the chase in the shape of rabbits. Rev. Sanford C. Hearn, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church, Yonkers, proceeded to dress them for dinner in the parsonage cellar. His small son watened the fathers work with inter est. Going upstairs, the youngster called his mother. said he, what do Oh, mamma, you suppose papa is doing?" I cant guess, child. What is he doing? Well, hes just skinning, shaving and cutting up cats. Signature Promotes Digestion, Cheerfulness and Rest Contains neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral BITTER DISAPPOINTMENT. fho Poorfl J DOai 1 ting the Stomachs and Bowels of fiSI fe mo One way to acquire a reputation for was asked. That is what I should like to know amiability is to agree with every simpleton you meet. myself. Have you any relatives of that DAVIS' PAINKILLER has nb substitute. No ot aer remedy is so effect ru name? for rheumatism, lumbago, stiffness, neuralgia or 45c and 50c bottles. Yes, there are several. I have no eold of any sort. Put up In 2oc, means of knowing whether any of Every time we see a sponge it rethem wrote the letter. minds us of some men we know. The letter which stirred up the conThe RAYO LAMP m a ONLY ONE BROMO QUININE. lamp, told at a low price. troversy, after referring to the unveil That la LAXAT1V K RKOYIO QUININE. Look for There are lamps that cost more, but there it no better tamp at any E W H. of McCorof tiKOVti Lsed of the the World the signature Cyrus lug portrait all are over to Cure g Cold in One Hay. 25c. The. Burner, the Wick, die Chimney-Holdmick, which was to take place the vital thing, in a lamp; there parte of the RAYO LAMP are next day, continues as follows: perfectly constructed and there it nothing known in the art of Hope is a magic lantern which often g that could add to the value of the RAYO aa I hope, how, ever, that the gentleshow3 impossible pictures. device. Suitable for any room in a man who will pronounce his eulogy any home. dealer Every everywhere. If not at yours, .write Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. will not fall into the stupid error, For children a for circular to the descriptive nearest of the Agency the reduce. gum, teething, which I understand has been made allays pain. sura wind collu 35c. bottle. CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY , several times recently, that Cyrus H. Uncorponsted) Mn deserve respect only as they McCormick invented the reaper. Mr. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. it give Cyrus H. McCormick neither invented An Ideal Present the reaper nor any essential part NO STROPPING thereof, and to the best of my recollee NO HONING tion (and I knew him intimately) he never made any such claim during his , lifetime. He didnt complain if you were a little despondThe reaper was invented by RobKNOWN TH WORLO OVER ent or irritable at times. Now he does. Hes ert McCormick of Rockbridge county, the same man. He didnt understand then. Virginia, in the early 30s, and he man He doesnt now. Then he thought it was caufactured with the help of his third and liked it. Now he thinks it is caprice price son, Leander J. McCormick, fine workand like it. But now hes busy getting doesnt ing, serviceable machines, which he money. sold to the farmers of Rockbridge d Anything If he realized the full truth he would be more than county and neighboring counties in in lit columns should insttt upon r(t anxious to have the wife he loves take the right remedy having what they ask for, refusing all goodly numbers until he died in 1845. subthtutes of i nutations. His machine was never patented. to restore her to true womanly health. Most men dont After his fathers death Cyrus H. Mcknow that when a woman is weak, nervous, irritable and Cormick, following some serious busidespondent, there is invariably something radically wrong ness vicissitudes in various localities, with the delicate feminine organs with which her entire came to Chicago, and with his brothis in sensitive sympathy. t physique ers, William S. and Leander J. McCorThere is OH, lad Just on remedy, tried and proven, that mick, established the Chicago manujrfll put things right when tho feminine organiam is weak or factory of the reaper invented by their diseased. It Is , father, which enterprise brought success and fortune to all three of them The writer adds a book is being preHOnUD E. IUHT0I, cWSM!" This medicine restores perfect health to tho weakened orpared to prove Robert McCormick the real Inventor. gans, and makes them strong. envelopes and foil prloe list rent on application I high-gra- er light-givi- sor-en- When He Courted You Readers Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription Talk. Good talk has so much shorthand that it cannot be reported the Inflection, the change of voice, the shrug, cannot be caught on paper. The best of it is when the subject unexpected iy goes cross-lots- , by a flash of short cut, to a conclusion so suddenly revealed that it has the effect of wit It needs the highest culture and the finest breeding to prevent the conversation from running into mere persiflage on the one hand its common fate or monologue on the other, Our conversation is largely chaff Charles Dudley Warner. It makes wifehood happy, and motherhood easy, short and almost painless. It helps to make real new women. An honest druggist wont urge upon you a substitute. This Favorite Prescription is a pure glyceric extract of native medicinal roots and contains no alg cohol, injurious or drugs. A full list of its ingredients printed on its outside wrapper and attested as full and correct under oath. child-birt- h habit-formin- Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets regulate and strengthen ach, Liver and Bowels. Easy to take as candy. Stom- Barer-tire- data Control and umpire work soil cited. CoL Reference. Carbonate National naw k... furs esusiss price Hat and tags Highest prices paid and sail .factory returns. LOTZ HIDE WOOL CO. Ssewtt CoU. ( rawferS, Ire. K.,IS City, S. . BEAR THIS IN MIND Moffltt PATENT TOE? Fltagenld wGoles Meeks, lSSS.Bra.4my, LssAagato, PA8'TbyT Booh Kmn. bring (Jo., PaLAUyt.,Boi K. Washington, L y PUTNAM FADELESS DYES |