Show order to show cause why real estate should not be mortgaged Wrt in the sixth judicial district DistrI Lt court of the state of utah in and for seiver count in the matter of the estate of leo A bean deceased upon redding and filing tho the petition of minnie bean praying that she the administratrix of the tha estate of I 1 eo eci A bean deceased be authorized empowered and directed to mortgage the real estate belonging to said estate which is described as follows to wit the nei of the sei of section IS 18 township 23 south range 2 NN est of the salt lake meridian containing 40 09 acres IF IS ORDERED that all persons inhere interested ted in said estate appear be f anre ire the above entitled court on the ath da of december A 1 P 1913 at the hour of 10 A NI M at the court room of said court and s show how cause if any they can why the said r real cat estate should not be mortgaged for the purpose of securing the surn sum of esuo SUO for the purposes more fully set forth in the petition for leave to mortgage on file herein reference to which is hereby made for further particulars JOSEPH it II ERICKSON judge of C court ourt dated this day of nov ember 1913 seal attest ED cherl |