Show 77 N 51 1 V v 4 v V 1 0 I 1 I 1 v g fe r az elm 4 that uio tho wild turkey can not tie be tamed but that be Is much hardier than his tamo tame brother and that the cross between the native wild turkey and tho the bronze makes the handsom est eat bird of the turkey tribe has been demonstrated most successfully by ex along these lines an enterprising virginian was w as lucky enough a few fen years ago to capture he file bab wild turkey chicks they were ni ere on only two tw 0 dis daa s old when w hen he caught them the were gh ghon on to a tame turkey hen who already had a brood ot of young onos after the had bad been in captivity only two tw 0 das da s at first these sill little fellows seemed to distrust ever thing but soon became accustomed to the virginian who paid particular attention to his mixed flock bringing them berries and other delicacies at the same time teaching them to come to his call to be fed every one ot of the file birds grew up and they turned out to be one gobbler and tour four hens it Is inter esting to note that although there was ft as a mortality of 60 per cent among the t he domestic birds that seison the five wild turkeys w were ere not affected in any I 1 nay ay A at t the approach of winter a wire enclosure was w as made this was NN as also a so cohered over with wire making a perfectly enclosed space ot of 45 teet feet and at one end was as a small tree that was enclosed in a 25 foot squire square of wire fencing a natural ro place the tha enclosed space pace hid a growth ot of bushes and wild lines ines rowing growing upon it also a natural sod tho the turkeys put in this limited space must na be fed on such r tuff as would as as ag possible resemble too food that nature intend ed for them so thea the w were ere gi een en corn wheat oats wild berries acorns per alm lors grit la in abundance and fresh water ad the n winter inter season passed the birds were nere well and hearth heart with nith th the 0 a advent adent d of spring tho the liens hens anade their nests in the enclosure xh ah re hone gonei suckle vines afforded the april acy that them the so longed tor for later on the boung boults arrice both they and their halt half domesticated mothers showed aversion to man their nat ural enem so the broods were taken away from the wild hens bens that had hatched them and were given to some dronge hens who raised IS birds out of a hatch of io tho the first adventure liping bring so successful cess ful the virginian followed out the same methods with the 38 birds that he had used with the original nil five and the loss of 0 only two birdi w was as a striking example of the hardi hard ness of ef the wild birds it Is interesting to note that after tho the young birds and their mothers had been glien ghen their freedom they showed no disposition to revert to their wild state but always returned home at night ro on the upper limbs of their tree along with the other turkeys the oung birds taking more kindly to domestic was than their parents after two 3 sears ears of hard work the virginian began to realize some financial returns from his labor and the 38 birds above mentioned were sold at a price aggregating slightly more than while the otra extra eggs gave another ohp price of the young hens 10 each ahila that rece reveled led from gobblers was from 12 to 20 each eggs basili sold at 1 apiece at present he lg Is getting 15 for hens and 20 for gobblers keeping 11 birds during tho the second winter chicks nere etere hatched and 75 of 0 these were raised to maturity the losses were wera caused by accident or doss dogs and not b disease although the domestic birds on the farm that year nere decimated the wild turkeys roosted under the wire enclosure the domestic birds oner oer it ahe droppings of the latter naturally tell fell into the enclosure none of 0 the wild a lid turkeys contracted the fatal disease but showed not onia immune to it but to a long spell of net let weather these cheso birds have been thoroughly tested and hate baio shown cs immune to the dread disease black head as well as from other diseases which affect the domestic bierds experiments have trat an infusion of wild blood vill till undoubtedly ni niile mike ile a hirdler hardier strain of turkey in order that anere will not be in breeding to an extent that would re once the rii neural tural Nita vitality lity of the birds flue fine si celmens of i lid ild from mexico oklahoma louisiana north Cirol lua and other sections have been secured from hunters and others interested in the experiment believing that tho the domestic domet itic bird of the present day is not descended from froin the native as is commonly supposed tup posed but traces its origin laca A ox J t T 7 ax M 1 1 40 0 4 tie 4 14 v k t j q P a 11 v tl kl 53 0 1 j A at borm 4 11 P A lra R r t t 1 44 G aw V k ru raw IN 0 1 T I 1 a N g 1 6 k k 1 t I 1 I ft A 4 ere A ta I 1 v k awl i A PIN f an lye if fel 1 1 4 t 14 f J iX istl tf ft i Tl g 0 I 1 1 I 1 k ko 2 d 4 ai I 1 fl V ir Q V f g 1 1 41 v tz x I 1 1 r A I 1 cy OF to the mexican wild which was domesticated in mexico at the time of the conquest the virginian adio advocates cates the crossing ot of the native natile turkey with the wild mexican bird rinding binding a couple of wild turkey eggs last summer and upon exam marlon finding them the would soon hatch batch out he placed them in a asket over an electric globe which hung in his room the globe being of ordinary cand lepow er the bottom of the basket was nas protected by a piece ot of cardboard over this was placed a small piece of 0 flannel the eggs were allowed allotted to remain thus placed until hatched the globe gave gare out a heat of from 98 to degrees and soon the two to eggs developed two to fine healthy chicks thebo were nere taken out to the farm and both ot of them were nere thriving until one of them tried to swallow st allow a small lizard which choked it to death these turkeys are now nor raised with white holland liens hens and when young birds are three burths grown they are put under w alre ire enclosures raising them under as natural conditions as possible |