Show THE OFFICE OF MARKETS IS NOW IN OPERATION ait it Is ie believed it will be of great benefit to the producers and the consumers of the nation washington und andr r recent act of 0 con congress gregg the of 0 ba has s undertaken the establishment of 0 ton in office 01 arke Is in tile lie dep lit anent chich ali it is belf bellied Ned vil aill be of 0 great b benefit to the pro producers lucers ind consume co s and rt ri sult gult in III tile the of prices of food foodstuffs tuffs congles congressmen binen haie bae li cl aito foll follow following oling in information 1 lil 13 3 tile acting sc cc cretan retaiN of 0 agriculture agil culture inin rehr euce to the scope cope ot 01 tile the work mork to be the broad aut borit i is given b congi eEb to accumulate and diffy c among the people of the united useful the of 1 pro ru due ducts t s the I 1 he problem of the orfio of 0 markets broadly slated is to tuy present pr cent systems of handling and marketing farm products mth ich i I 1 nie aei 10 t c locating definitely the NN aistis ol of in glenal time eberg benei 3 and money moncy not no operate to ill crease the cost or of farm products it hopes to be ible to make sug aug gest cat ions which a aill ill lessen some of 0 those wastes ind which will in some cases cafes shorten the time between pro bluer and and reduce the bumber of it hopes to d do what and processes process cs lare kue nov doft giving moil satisfactory and lt Konomi eal service and to encourage thell ihen introduction wherever I 1 cond t ious may ma warrant to this end it will take up some pacific fic studies and undertake cerl ceri ninni imin definite leins of vork |