Show probate and notices 1 or fiertl r u 1 pl tu to count not r 1041 f IN till DISTRICT COURT OF SEVIER coubry UTAH in the mattir of tile the etite of john A carter creditors will claims claici with volle hers 0 to o the ho it hr re resilience idenie in joserh utah in or bearl march eth DORA cattier CAlt lEi administratrix bates Magl cli At attorneys attorney torne for a IN THE sixt H JUDICIAL COURT OP OF IN AND FOR FOK N COUNTY i in the lie matter of the hatate of william deleeuw deceased Cred lors will present claims with oui hers to the under undersigner undersigned signed jt at her residence in lyman utah on or before the and 2nd day of 0 march larch 1914 MARY deleeuw LEEUW Pe administratrix notice of application to IN THE SIXTH JUDICIAL DIS COURT OF THE STATE OF UTAH IN AND for bor THE J HE COUNTY OP 01 SEVIER in the matter of oc the application fur dissolution of the farnsworth Farni worth cafe co a corporation notice is 13 hereby given that the farnsworth farmworth cafe company a corporation formed under the law of the state of utah hia has to the sixth judicial district bourt of the state of utah in and for the count county of sevier a petition praying to be allowed to lind and and that saturday the ath day of december A 1 I 1913 at the hour of 10 0 0 clock a m or as ai soon there after as ag counsel can he be heard at the court room of the above named borut at the county court house houie in ric field sevier county utah has been baen appointed as the time and plate place for the hearing on said petition at which time ond and place all peri gernns ns interested mai ma appear and content the granting of ibid said petition ED ROSS clerk of the above named court john L sevy jr attorney for petitioners Petition ers assessment notice joseph irrigation canal company principal place of business joseph cutill notice is hereby given thit that at a meeting of the directors held un on the day of october 1913 an all ment was levied on in the cap is tal stock of the corporation payable on or before november 20 1913 to arnfred christensen Sec secretary of the company bt at his office in joseph utah ani aai stock upon which chiq assessment may rema n unpaid on the alth day or of december 1913 will be delinquent lin quent and advertised for sale at public auction and unless payment is made on or before will be sold on the alth day of december 1913 at 2 p m of said dav to the assessment aise together with the cost coat of advertising and expense of sale ARNFRED CHRI CHRISTEN christensen STENEN SEN Secre secretory tiry notice t water users state engineers office salt sale lake fity ity utah november 7 1913 is id hereby ajen tout L i A thompson whose post effir 8 addra is circleville CK Cir cleville utah has mada application ill with the re quire menti anti of the complied compiled I 1 laws cwg of a f utah 1907 as amended amen deil by the session laws of utah and 1909 and 1911 to appropriate twenty hundred 2000 date feet of water from city creek pluto county utah said water will be diverted at a point which bears north aj degrees 30 minutes west vest feet distant of the west quarter corner of section 26 lown bhim 29 adouth range ranga 4 west balt like base arid and meridian meriji ai from there shere it will be conveyed by means ofa canal for I 1 1 distance of approximately two miles and there stored from january 1 to Dece MILr 31 inclusive of each year in a reservoir embraced in mi tiong 35 rowna hip 29 south couth tango kanro 4 west und and section 2 town ship ahio 30 south range 4 west est salt lake base and meridian the waitr 90 80 stored will ill be released from said re at a point which bears north til bi SQ 30 minutes east 1217 feet distant ot of the east quarter corner of section 35 lown township ship 2 south range 4 debt salt like base and meridian arid and conveyed by means of a canal for a distance of fet felt arid and there used from mj ma 1 to september 30 in ill elusive of laih year tu to irrigate irrig ite juao acres of land embr embraced aed 20 jl 31 32 2 and 33 township 99 south range 3 vest neat salt lake base and meridian this application la Is designated in the tha state engineers Engi neira offic as no all protests protean against the tha granting of and application stating the reason must lie be made by affidavit in duplicate ind and hald in this inco within thirty 30 d dys tys after the completion of the publication public tion of his notice W D BEERS state engineer date of 0 first public tion november 20 1913 date of completion december 20 1913 |