Show HOMEMADE HOME MADE TOY IS AMUSING boy can make lantern of threet pieces of pasteboard on which are drawn pretty designs design days boys love to parade with flags and lanterns lanterns are easy to maker make and afford much amusement the I 1 illustration shows one made of three pieces of pasteboard of the same earne size on which ore ere drawn star etar shield and stripes any designs are cut outs out andl andi red white and blue tissue paper Is pasted on the inside to produce the pretty colored effect when lit by a candle from the inside the sides areli pasted parted together by strips of muslin by means of glue the bottom of the lantern consists of a triangular piece of pasteboard which IB 18 fastened to the tha bottom of the sides edth a ath muslin strips As every lantern has a candle inside you ou must make a place to hold the candle in your our lantern cut a raw A home made toy potato into a squire square slice about one quarter of an inch thick bevel this slice lice as shon in the picture and hol hoi low loin the center sufficiently sufficient large to in sert the candle glue this to the bottom tom |