Show SECOND WHO LADIES TO ME entertainment bazar musical and dance will gin ghan ell at new wald waid chapel next net friday friday november Nove moer wi 11 be a G ila in the leond word ward new chipel the Y L II 11 1 I A ne n e rei arza arzania nii ig foi fat an clamonte clao I morite onte bazaar on that date with a dance and musical and literary entertainment in the evening for this greit vent has bean in pro progress gregg lor for nearly the entire ummer summer so it should certainly meet every of cen the most moat exacting euting the basement of the chapel will be open during the entire day and from gaily decorated booths the most en engaging young ladies in the vard ard w will ill serve ice cream homr homp made caily canly fancy notions and dolls hats made to fit any doll considerable interest has been aroused in the affair and it is ex e V pecked acted that it will be patronized to the limit at any rate the projectors of the scheme are preparing to entertain all the people of richfield and chile hile they fully expect tho the various booths to be ba patronized to their capacity arrangements arrange menta have been made to take care of all who come in the evening a dance will be given in the basement proceeded by a pro gram of musical and literary gems the best talent in the city has been secured for this event and it is safe rafe to say it will be one of he best entertainments tain ments of that class ever given in richfield Rich neld the entire program will appear in next weeks reaper and as arrangements arrance menta for the event progress we will likely make mention of them it is ejected that the proceeds of this thia entertainment will veri materiale mate mater naly ialy aid the building committee in completing the house ahe energetic committee that lame have arranged the entertainment gives assurance of it being an artiste and pleasing success and the liberal patronage bestowed on such affairs by the richfield public bespeaks for it a financial trim aph |