Show Is our husband crossan crossd an irritable irn tible fault finding disposition is 13 often due to a di disordered ordered stomach A min ann with good food digestion is neatly neaily albans good bood natured A great many hae been permanently perman ertly cured of st ston ach trouble by taking chamberlains tablets for sale by all deavers montana swept by windstorm butte mont A windstorm ind that thai slept along the main range of the mountains early friday rut put ener aeo clec electric power mire in 1 I 1 section 22 miles lonz ions out of commission and caused nearly nearh every mine in butte to suspend work aorl sent to asylum milwaukee john achi aal nho he that shot coonel colonel theodore Roo roosevelt on the of october 14 in milwaukee is insane and aas ft as late irida itter noon committed by b municipal jude jud e dacle bailius to io the northern II 11 spital for the insane near until cured boycott japanese goods amoy china 1 ahe I he city is placarded pla carded nith hith potes announcing the begin of a boycott against japanese goods this ib i in protest against Ju sudanese JUB anese Danese aggression lu ill manchuria I lows hows this WP offer one Il hundred undred dollars reward rt tor for any case ot of catarrh that cannot bp b cured by b halls catarrh cure r J CHENEY A CO I 1 toledo 0 we th un I 1 haie haa knon r I 1 J cheney for tho the last li 1 car ciri aej balico him honorable lionor ablo in all bubin sa aran an i ible to carry out an ani mado made b his finn dini OP 0 cfall I 1 i catarrh cure I 1 taken internally acting upon unon the iha blond and mucous surfaces ct cf the iho s estem testimonials ant fre arc price IS 75 cents i pr sold an 1 all druggists take aall a t 1 aaili pill fur conti constipation pation trial again gain postponed new yo k 1 lie bo fidei il 11 trill ol if julun julian and others other ir inter ter ested in fit the mining enter 1 p arises rises on indictments chargin nils mis ute ue of the malls mails wa was isam postponed freday until monda next majority for suffrage kansas 0 official figures 9 given iven ou on tile the iia on suffrin sut trige ge bhoj that the tha carried by a mi ma borit or 0 16 there were seventy four our counties voted lor for it and thirty adist it V chims of CIO abo bodies of per ous cons I 1 billed in the carta Tuo tuesday sclay of ast veel neel lave been recovered IT aiom om the ruins ot of the little town or of acain abam bay ba in the northern pirt of the 0 oc f death record of football season cli ch cago ten dead and thirty six si in aured are the records of the 1912 toot foot bill season seabon closed saturday list ear there vere fourteen deaths arnd axt benen set en injured according to quick business transaction 1 bile a flock of sheep T r as b clog being driven drinen along the glasgow and carlisle road noar near the tonn of lockerbie Loc kerble scotland tho the other diy daiy a motor ran into it killing three the motorist at once drew up inquired as to the cost of the sheep paid for them bade tile the shepherd good goodba Go odda dan and went on his vay inay the whole affair being the work of a few minutes both disappointed first billiard arc placer ilow how is it you aren t at home this evening second ditto my cifes in ti a bad humor burnor ohp had bad company arrive arrhe and she hu aint ready about oh ob my alfes mad too she got ready for company and they dida t come dos boa ton transcript what puzzled him what are iou puzzling about I 1 I 1 im rn x biting a sketch for I 1 laudelle acdan tile on the current political roli situation well ou ought to have hane plenty of 0 good stuff to put in that ign I 1 what N hat me 1110 1 I ve got so BO much emich good bauff I 1 don t kno what to leave out not worried in the least I 1 see your son Is building art an air ship yes lie he has it nearly fin fished aren t lou 3 ou afraid to have him experiment nith such a thing oh no not at all I 1 oer overheard heard him prom ise to let 3 our boy try the first night flight ith it riders in somo some cass tho the industrial expert ie find that the by b product la Is more important than the original artl cle I 1 have noticed that replied senator sorghum in connection with appropriation bills the eternal life the piro elm lives for LIN two 0 hundred years yearn the linden for three hundred the oak lives tor for five hundred 3 airs and the chestnut interrupted the other half ot of the sketch lives lor for ever good idea for extension table the extra leaves of an extension table indented by a pennsylvanian are carried beneath the top when not in use and raised into place and fasten ed there by turning a pair of 0 thumb sarch a no foundation here bieros a I 1 here mi friend and I 1 aro are going to have haie i few over noth ing the operator open lor as ho prep irdi to manipulate his instill meats ants minneapolis journal looked the port part waller found his mother tal tailing I 1 ing to i lady walter saia safe his ma this is i 3 ou our r great aunt yes a eaid al d walter looking at her amplo III ol 01 ar lions I 1 elle ehe 1001 it sai all ill nets the most se serious beriou riou defect of the eyes ekes is that condition inhere the eyes in order to set et the keen vision is io n t they h e g ket e t s hap a 1 VITALITY N NERVE E R V E F FORCE 0 that rightly belon belong is to the storn sto maji aih and other or orar ins of the body pro ducin I 1 bau ln lix in ma many instances and I 1 is called PAR SIGHT people havin having th this vorst of all tile the defects of the e eyes cb dont realie it for they usually can call see well arid and it i is only when the supply appl of nerie nere foice gives ives out that they re ahbe too late ate that their eyes eles li hive ive been sapping appin then vitality vitali tv to the br breaking ealin 1 point S sy of f fai ai si I 1 lit are head ackies e eyes blunn at conti continued nuLI close cloe work 1 I arh in flarried e eyeball eye bill oi 01 lids ilion usually at a di distance tance ea e eh tire at ase close I 1 ork ner nerous ou di disorders order etc ina Is tuft rip juetten ju KC etton tOns oil out cil 31 pit f t im tit lithord ituk rim is sj j amt ul 11 jis alic xin on I 1 n ajr orli dr n H averill jt 0 e L itt it d r I 1 etli t it i f I 1 aai it I 1 aln 0 r t it cafe it 41 abo pi bhore e il ti 14 ht k L UTAH THE J johnston oah n st 0 hotel BILLY S PLACE xi tl e jf antton hotel h b la is recently I 1 een re 1 ind d rear tied lied abito in I 1 ro nn mi laie I 1 ate boxil br li I 1 ro I 1 jed fur for t ur lit in craca erf ased patrol parrot are it is I 1 ov on lie hlll tt tl auest hotel la in S utah steam heat bath running water in each room 1 I boorts is lh laier er an I 1 rens ser serviced all trains not mot V in I 1 rictor antor I 1 I 1 utah P A C M ERS 11 neav Z W international DICTZ R Z THE MERRIAM WEBSTER tho OW oay neil aen unabridged tile dic tiomai y lin many doirs contains the tha pith and of an aa authoritative library covers every field of knowledge ed 0 o an encyclopedia in ill a single bool boo the only dictionary Diction iry with the new dit dinwid Din lid pae pa c I 1 words 27 0 pages illustrations co sti acarl half a million dollars let us tell YO you u about tai this is most remark remarkable ablit bingle volume ante for simple pases pages full par tic tacui ulars ira etc ti namo ahr gozs paper anc we a aa send arc aft 11 a 0 o t of t v I 1 G ac 1 1 it |