Show assessment notice office of the cedar ridge co of business sigurd rutih NOTICE is 13 hereby given that at a me meltire detira of the direct directors erg of 1 l the ced cedar ar ridge irrigation company roni pony held 01 on tile the ath day of nov 1012 an aque anesa q ment ut SO 1 0 aerts per shire was lovied levied on th the L c capital etoia of said s corporation payable to the aurer at his bis office in sigurd utah on or be befaro ere the I 1 alth ith dy day r rt I 1 dec 1912 any stock upon which this 2 ment maj ma remain unpaid on the tha said day will ile ind for bile sit at public auction nu etton and unes unless it iq made before will he be sold on the alth day of jin 1913 it lm f lock p rn m to pay the d delinquent Ill quent assessment ment torether with the cots of oe and expenses of cale PETE FETEK see sec treas assessment notice office of vermilion irrigation co orinc plate of bubines bu sines sigurd utah is riven given that nt it mcewing of he ie directors rii rectors of the ver milion irrigation company held or on the illy clay of oct get an assessment of sl 91 00 f er share aia levi levied ld on the capitol capital stok of the slid corpora tion lion payable to the arila aurer it hi his office in sigurd utin on or before the ath day of december 1912 any idock upon which thio thia assess ment may remlin unpaid on the said daa da will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public au tion lion and unless pa pir rent is 13 nude made before will be sold m n the 2 d daiy diy ty of december 1912 at 2 p in to pay ane delinquent assessment ases thereon together with costs of a and expenses ot of sale bale PETER DASTRUP see sec treas |